In another place, if I were Gu Yun, I would never be able to continue to serve my country and such a worthless emperor when I knew the truth about Tie Xuan concentration camp. Everyone wronged him, but he only asked in a low voice after getting drunk. Who knows that I was urged by frost and snow and who was drunk with me? Contains how much helplessness, how much ridicule and sadness.
When he was blind and deaf, he took several boys and bald donkeys into the East China Sea to face unknown dangers. Can he bear to go back? When the enemy invaded and stormed the city gate, and the country reached the moment of life and death, was he ready to die for the country? Before Chang Geng, is he prepared to devote his life to the vast sandstorm in northern Xinjiang? He took over the Black Iron Camp from his father. He joined the war on 15. The blind sword on the battlefield taught him the cruelty of war. His scars increased one by one, and his life was on the verge of loss again and again, but he never feared or retreated. He turned the Black Iron Camp into a weapon of the country, made the Black Iron Camp an indestructible belief in the hearts of the people, and made Anding Hou Cheng the name to frighten the enemy. He used his actions to gain a reputation of loyalty to his family, and he also understood his father's words from time to time: it is also a great blessing for a general to die in Jiangshan.
It is said that Hou Anding alone is enough to be a horde, but he is not only the god of war to pacify the war and bring peace to the country, but also the deaf and blind Shen Sixteen who returned to the city with geese. Even Chang Geng said at least he wouldn't grow up like this, but he did. It can not only pacify wars in all directions, but also ridicule others' lewdness. It can not only be merciless to the enemy, but also refute the statement that the emperor invaded other countries. Not only can you go to prison with peace of mind when you are suspected, but you can also let bygones be bygones in times of crisis. Grow into a living person, flesh and blood, dare to love and hate, criticise Gu Yun. I not only admire his reputation and ability as a god of war, but also feel sorry for Gu Zixi's frost and snow, and get drunk together. Is it because he took away his parents, his good eyesight and hearing, and the love he really should feel that his life was so difficult and he was given a Chang Geng?
Gu Yun restrained Chang Geng's ur bone, and Chang Geng took the lead in taking that step and gave it to Gu Yunai, who was willing to do anything for him. Under the seemingly peaceful but turbulent Liang Dynasty, the two of them used their own abilities to create a prosperous time in military politics, and then retired in the prosperous time, allowing the rest of the time to live for themselves and promise each other a lifetime.
Now, after reading the content, I still can't calm down. Every time I recall the injuries suffered by Chang Geng's ancient rhyme along the way, the blood and tears that flowed are always touching and always impressed by P's writing.
Lin Yuan Pavilion, Chang Gung's series of decrees and Gu Yun's every military order on the battlefield are instructive. The broad background, fluent words, vivid characters and compact plot are all fascinating. I said "Kill the Wolf" is my favorite book, and my sister-in-law said it was too exaggerated. I know, this book is enough for me to remember for a long time.
In the process of growing up, I became more and more amazed at the size of the world, realized a lot of new things, and learned a lot of truths that I didn't know or understand before. "Kill the Wolf" made me dabble in books about beautiful women, and made me understand that there are many books, many of which are good. Perhaps the world is not recognized by most people at present, or even by the mainstream public in the last twenty years, but these do not prevent it from being a good world. Geng taught me to let go of things outside my body and let me know that pursuing what I really want is the best and happiest life. Radio dramas let me further understand the feelings of each role, let me further enter that magnificent era, and let me know the dubbing industry and Yang Tianxiang and other excellent dubbing actors.
And from Teacher Yang, I really saw the magic of passionate love. Because I love it, I am willing to work hard for it. Because of my hard work, I am good enough to make myself better. From Teacher Yang, I can learn how to live in peace, how to love the world and life after recognizing the cruel reality of life, and success depends not on the blessing of others, but on my own efforts. I think I'm beginning to know how to calm down.
Fortunately, when I was about to get lost, I learned a lot through Kill the Wolf. Every circle has its own rules, and every field has its own rules. Just like you shouldn't promote homosexuality in order to make yourself different. This is blasphemy against homosexuality. I am also learning to treat homosexuality with a more correct attitude, so that I can understand homosexuality from the heart, broaden my horizons and broaden the pattern. You shouldn't put a rice ring on the voice actor either. That is disrespectful to them. We should be proud of having such a group of excellent voice actors, and we should give them a good environment so that they can concentrate on the work they love. I am also trying to change, don't be so unwilling, accept the facts frankly, admit that I should become better and live my life seriously.
There are many occupations and ways to live in the world. It is impossible to experience one by one, but life will not come back. Instead of sinking into the quagmire of memories, it is better to make changes from now on. Throw away those things that bind you and prevent you from getting better, and then move on without looking back. You can cry, but don't look back. Be a better self and a radiant self.
You see, life is so good to you. Let you know new things, keep your enthusiasm for life, be surrounded by friends and family, be surrounded by so many beautiful feelings, be surrounded by new things, and let the wolf be reproduced. Fate has opened the door for you again and again. When the level is closed, you should work hard to move forward. Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't give up the present, be yourself at all times, and believe that life will accompany you gently.
We have seen many beautiful things in life. Even if these beautiful things are not all on our own, we should be happy to have a piece of it. You can envy, but don't envy other people's happiness. Happiness should be created by yourself, don't you think?
Come on! To create your own happiness and live your own life.