Zhou E, whose real name was Boren, was later called Zhou Boren. He was an important minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty, and once worshipped the ministers. At the same time, he was also one of the two great talents at that time. He won the trust of Jin Yuan and was very popular. He had good relations with many courtiers in private, including Wang Dao. They are close friends.
Who's Wang Dao? There was a saying at that time. The king and the horse, * * * the world? . It means that the power of the Wang family and the power of the royal Sima family are equally divided, and the world is equivalent to these two families.
This Wang family, the famous king of Langya, who was a scholar in Dongdu, succeeded to the throne, benefited from the strong support of Wang Dao and Wang Dun, the representatives of Langya, which enabled the rulers to continue the national development.
The Wangs have made great contributions, and naturally they are entrusted with important tasks and occupy high positions. Wang Dao, in charge of national laws and regulations, unified the North and South families; Wang Dun is in charge of the military and the war. Wang Dao is a low-key and humble person, while Wang Dun is an arrogant person. He disobeyed the imperial court and even dared to openly contradict it, which made the Jin and Yuan emperors very unhappy, but there was nothing they could do for the time being.
Wang Dun has always despised others. At that time, there were two people, Liu Kui and Diao Xie, who happened to be extremely despised by Wang Dun, but were extremely prized by the Jin and Yuan emperors, which made Wang Dun very angry. He just found a reason and sent twenty thousand troops straight to Nanking to find Jun Qing.
The Central Committee of the Jin Dynasty was shocked. Xiang suggested that all the members of the Wang family in Nanjing should be killed in time, so as to avoid being turned from inside to outside, and point the finger at Wang Dao. Jin Yuan Emperor knew that Wang Dao was a man, which had nothing to do with him. Now he turned down Liu Kui, but he also hesitated. Hearing this, Wang Dao was scared, too. He was busy leading all the children of the family who were officials, kneeling at the palace door and crying, clarifying that he had no collusion with the traitor Wang Dun.
After kneeling and crying for several days in a row, Emperor Jinyuan always avoided it. At the right moment, Zhou Boren passed by Wang Dao to see the emperor. Wang Dao grasped at the straw. Dear friends, for you and I have known each other for many years, please beg your Majesty for me. My life as big as Wang Jiayi's is in your hands! ? Who knows Zhou Boren didn't look at him, as if he didn't hear him, and went straight into the hall to meet the Jin Emperor.
As soon as Zhou Boren came in, he put in a good word for Wang Dao. From Wang Dao's contribution to life, he said it again from the beginning, hoping to make Yuan Di lenient. Yuan Di didn't make a statement immediately, but Zhou Boren didn't look at it when he came out, muttering: You should kill all those rebels and thieves. Wang Dao thought that Zhou Boren not only didn't plead, but also made mischief in front of the emperor, so he began to bear a grudge against Zhou Boren.
Wang Dun's army was on a roll all the way and killed at the gates of Nanking. Panic, began to promise the Wang brothers a higher rank, and deal with Liu Kun and Diao Xie. Wang Dungang stopped fighting, and the Wang brothers took over the power of state affairs again, and it was even worse than before.
Wang Dun began to purge dissidents and killed a number of ministers. The soldier brought Zhou Boren to him. Wang Dun asked Wang Dao, this person used to have a good personal relationship with you and was also very talented. Give him an official from the third department to do it. Wang Dao did not answer; Wang Dun said again, then find him a secretary to do it, but Wang Dao didn't answer; Wang Dun added that since it can't be reused, it can only be killed. Wang Dao still didn't answer. Wang Dun waved and killed Zhou Boren.
Later, Wang was led into the court. While reading the paper, he accidentally turned to Zhou Boren's speech, which was sincere and pleaded for Wang Dao and excused him. It dawned on him that if I had known this, if Wang Dun had said something when he asked, his best friend wouldn't have been beheaded. If, unfortunately, there is no such thing, Wang Dao immediately cried and said this sentence that has been passed down through the ages: I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. I lost this good friend in the underworld! ?
It is generally believed that Wang Dun directly killed Boren and Wang Dao indirectly killed Boren. In fact, in my opinion, it was not the Wang brothers who killed Boren, but himself. He helped his friends and did good deeds. Why not let friends know that friends should be honest with each other? Otherwise, there will be many misunderstandings, especially in that era when the head may fall off at any time. So, in the final analysis, Boren died because of him.