Liezi, the author of One Mountain in Gong Yu, said
Confucius: The famous saying in Shangshu: Learn while having fun. Idiom: There is no class in education, and you are not ashamed to ask Mencius: The famous saying in Mencius is that the people are the most valuable, the country is the second, and the monarch is the least. Idiom: sacrifice one's life for righteousness; Born in sorrow and died in happiness, Lao Tzu: the famous saying in Tao Te Ching: Mystery is the door to all miracles, which is a difficult idiom: he who knows himself knows clearly; Happiness has never passed since Zhuangzi: Zhuangzi famously said: Tao is hidden in small success, and words are hidden in great glory. Idiom: a blockbuster, soaring. Liezi's famous saying: A man's heart is like a mirror, so he must not welcome it, so he can't hide it, so he can win without hurting the idiom: A fool moves mountains, and a sheep will mend it later. Sun Tzu's famous saying: Being a soldier is also a national event. Idiom: Unexpectedly, I won Mozi's victory just right: Mozi's famous saying: Prospering the benefits of the world, except the harm of the world. Idiom: stick to the rules and whip the horse quickly. Han Feizi's famous saying: My husband punished me with his words. Idiom: dogs make wine sour, which is contradictory. 1.