Sorrow and suffering are enough to make people live, and ease and happiness are enough to make people die.
only benevolent people should be in high positions. Being unkind and in a high position is to spread its evil to the public.
Only benevolent people with high morality should be in a dominant position. If the immoral person with low morality is in a dominant position, he will spread his sins to the masses.
the son of heaven is heartless and does not protect the four seas; The princes are heartless and do not protect the country; Doctor Qing is heartless and does not protect the ancestral temple; Shu Ren was heartless, and he didn't protect his four bodies.
If the son of heaven can't be kind, he can't keep his world; If a vassal is not benevolent, he will lose his country; Qing and the doctor can't be kind, so they can't keep his ancestral temple; Ordinary people can't be kind, so they can't keep their bodies.
the monarch is kind, and the world is invincible.
If the monarch of a country loves benevolence, the whole world will have no rivals.
save punishment, collect taxes sparingly, and cultivate deeply and easily (n u).
Reduce punishment and taxes, so that people can cultivate intensively and get rid of dirty grass early.
the benevolent is invincible.
Benevolent people are invincible in the world.
you are kind, but you are merciless; Junyi, all righteous; Jun Zheng, Mo Zheng.
The monarch is benevolent, and no one is unkind; Monarchism, no one is unjust; The monarch is right, and no one is wrong.
people will enjoy themselves if they enjoy themselves; People worry about their worries, and people worry about their worries.
People who take the happiness of the people as their own happiness will also take the happiness of the monarch as their own happiness; He who takes the sorrow of the people as his own sorrow, the people will also take the sorrow of the monarch as their own sorrow.
Benevolence is glory, but unkindness is humiliation.
if the princes and ministers practice benevolent policies, they will have glory; If you act inhumanely, you will suffer humiliation.
fight for land, killing people to make a profit; Fighting for the city, killing people to gain the city, this so-called rate of land and eating human flesh, the crime can not be allowed to die.
Fighting for land, killing people everywhere; Fighting for the city, killing people all over the city, that is, leading the land to eat human flesh, the death penalty is not enough to redeem their sins.
Your minister is like a hand and foot, and my minister is like a heart; If you treat me like a dog or a horse, then I treat you like a Chinese; If you treat me like dirt, then I treat you like enmity.
The monarch regards his lieutenants as his own brothers and sisters, and his lieutenants will regard the monarch as their heart. The monarch regards the liegeman as an ox and a horse, and the liegeman will regard the monarch as an ordinary person he meets on the road; The monarch regards his lieutenants as dirt or weeds, and his lieutenants will regard the monarch as their enemies.
if you lose your ambition, you will lose your people. He who loses his people loses his heart. There is a saying in the world: if you get your people, you will get the world; There is a way to win the people: win their hearts and win the people; There is a way to get the heart: gather what you want with it, and don't do evil, and you will also.
Jie and Zhou lost the world because they lost the support of the people; They lost the support of the people because they lost the hearts of the people. There are ways to get the world: if you get the support of the people, you will get the world; There are ways to win the support of the people: if you win the hearts of the people, you will win the support of the people; There are ways to win people's hearts: accumulate what they want for them; Don't put what they hate on their heads, that's all.