How to express your love? Is there a kind of depression that "I love you in my heart"? Want to know how to express your feelings? Let's see how these famous artists express "love" in words. French is the most suitable language for confession. Below I have compiled "Ten French Universal Confessions Learn to Confess Routine in Minutes" for your reference!
Ten French universal confession sentences (1)
1. Aimer, c 'est savoir direjet t 'aime sans parler.-Victor Hugo
Love is that I didn't speak, and you have understood me. -victor hugo
2. L 'amour est cette Merveilleuse chance qu 'unautre vous aime encore, Quand vous ne pouvez plus vous aimer vous-mê me.-Jean Gué henno
Love is an adventure, it is when you don't even love yourself, and he still loves you. -Jean Gagno
3. Aimer, C 'est Trouver Sarrichesse Horses de SOI.-Alain (Emile Chartier)
Love is to find wealth outside. -Alan (Emile Chater)
4. Aimer, Ce n 'est pas seregarder l 'un l 'autre, C 'est regarder ensemble dansla mê me direction.-Antoine de Saint-Exupé ry
Love is not looking at each other, but looking at each other together. -Antoine de Saint-Exupé ry
5. Le Verbe Aimer est Difficile à Conjugeur: son passé n 'est Passimple, son Pré sent n 'est qu 'indicative, Etson future est toujours conditioning nel.-Jean Cocteau
"Love" has a difficult verb inversion: his past is a bit complicated, his present is only the present, and his future is full of unknowns. -jean cocteau
1 French universal confession sentences (2)
6. Aimer, c 'est Pré fé rer autreà SOI-mê me.-Paul Lé audaud
Love is to love him more than yourself. -Paul Leoddo
7. La vie est un sommeil, L 'amour en est le rê ve, Etvous Aurez Vé cu, Sivous Avez Aimé.-Alfred de Muset
Life is a deep sleep, and love is its dream. You love, you live. -alfred de musset (I note: worthy of being a representative of French romantic literature, this love story is also drunk. )
8. Mieux Vautaimer dansles enfersque d 'ê tre sans amourdans le Paradis.-Marcel Jouhandeau
I would rather love in hell than not love in heaven. -Marcel Juando
I recommend: eight words of the most touching German love words
9.l 'amour est comme l 'opé ra, on s 'y ennuie, mais on y retourne.-Gustave flaubert
Love is like opera, even if we are bored, we will still turn back. -gustave flaubert
1. Siun Jourje Meurs et qu 'on m 'ouvrele c? Ur, on pourra lire en letteres d 'or ... je t 'aime encore.-William Shakespeare
If one day I die, please open my heart and you will see the words written in gold: I still love you. -william shakespeare