The most important factor in using voice assistance is tone. A calm and deep voice has the effect of calming the horse. If the horse makes a sound (such as good, good boy, good girl, etc. ) Click immediately or with a short and continuous tongue, which is a very effective way to encourage horses.
When teaching new lessons or actions (such as standing, retreating, etc.). ), but also help to make a sound to reassure the horse (such as Oh ……), or when the horse is suddenly disturbed by the external environment.
Encouraging horses with sound can make them more alert, strengthen the function of riding hands and feet, and make them pay attention to the rider. In fact, this is all due to the big and sensitive ears of horses, because compared with humans, horses have much better hearing, so there is no need to shout loudly, which may cause unnecessary interference to horses.
If there are more than one rider riding at the same time, you should be very cautious when using sound assistance, and you should keep it at the lowest sound level so as not to disturb the riding of other horses.