In the Huaiyin tragedy, a teenager insulted the letter and said, "When you grow up, you should wear a sword, but you are afraid of your ears." The humiliation of the people said, "faith can die and stab me;" Can't die, come out from me. " So this letter depends on it, which is embarrassing. Everyone in the city laughed at the letter and thought it was timid. (Original humiliation of crotch)
Taishi Gong said: I am like Huaiyin, and Huaiyin is a proverb. Although Han Xin is a commoner, he has different ambitions. When his mother died, he was too poor to be buried, but he ran a high hurdle and opened it, so he could buy a house next to him for thousands of dollars. I think his mother's tomb is a good one. If Han Xin learns to be modest, doesn't cut his own credit, and doesn't admire his own ability, it will only be a few days. Yu Jiaxun can be compared with Zhou, Zhao and Taigong, and future generations will eat blood. Don't do this, the world is set (in the same series), that is, rebellion and genocide, don't mention it!
The unity of monarch and minister has been difficult since ancient times. Recommend the country deeply and plan Biden altar. Shen Sha ordered water, took out a sign and handed the rice. Pay attention to Han Han, but also be safe. It's a pity to have a false trip. (Sima Qian's evaluation of Han Xin)
The following is the translation:
A young man among the butchers in Huaiyin insulted Han Xin and said, "Although you are tall and like to carry a knife and a gun, you are actually a coward." He insulted him in public and said, "if you are not afraid of death, stab me with your sword;" If you are afraid of death, climb under my crotch. " So Han Xin looked at him carefully, bent down, prone on the ground, and climbed down from his legs. People all over the street laughed at Han Xin and thought he was timid.
Tai Shigong said: When I went to Huaiyin, Huaiyin people told me that even if Han Xin was a common people, his mind was different. His mother died and his family was too poor to be buried, but he still looked for a high and spacious cemetery everywhere so that thousands of families could be next to the grave. I saw his mother's grave, indeed. If Han Xin can give in modestly, don't brag about his achievements, and don't rely on his own talents, it will be almost the same. His exploits in the Han Dynasty can be compared with those of Duke Zhou, Zhao Gong and Taigong in the Zhou Dynasty, and future generations can enjoy endless sacrifices. However, he failed to devote himself to this, and the world has been stable. Instead, he planned a rebellion and destroyed the family. Isn't that right?