One sentence we often hear is that husband and wife quarrel at the end of the bed. In fact, there is a certain reason for this. This sentence comes from ancient times. Li Yu is a very suspicious person. He didn't trust his officials at that time. Especially an official named Han Xizai, so Li Yu specially sent a painter to his home. Although he was a guest on the surface, he actually sent a painter to watch him. See if there is anything in his room that makes Li Yu suspect.
At that time, Han Xizai also knew the purpose of the emperor, so he had already thought about the corresponding strategy. In order to reassure the monarch, he deliberately pretended to be cynical. And ordered in advance to prepare wine and meat for the surrounding painters. In fact, Han Xizai just wanted the painter to think that his life was extremely luxurious and he didn't pursue power at all. It is best for the painter to tell Li Yu that he is an idle person, so that Li Yu will completely dispel his doubts.
As can be seen from this painting in the studio, Han Xizai went to the bedroom to rest because he drank a lot of wine. At that time, he was sitting in a chair at the end of the bed, staring at his three events. At that time, the three were chatting happily and didn't notice the man's eyes. Compared with the bedside, the end of the bed is obviously more private. If two people go to a private place, their sense of security will increase obviously and their body and mind will be more relaxed. In this case, if couples quarrel, they are more willing to tell each other to ease their feelings. So the saying that the husband and wife will make up at the end of the bed spread.