The first sentence: brothers are like brothers, and wives are like clothes. Clothes are worn and can be sewn; Can you continue with your broken hands and feet? At that time, Cao Cao ordered Liu Bei to crusade against Yuan Shu. Zhang Fei said that he would not drink or beat the sergeant. Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei to guard Xuzhou and led Guan Yu to send troops himself. Zhang Fei didn't change his bad habits, drunk and made love, flogged Cao Bao, and Cao Bao took the opportunity to be Lu Bu, so Lu Bu raided Xuzhou at night. Liu Bei's family was trapped in Xuzhou. At that time, Zhang Fei led dozens of riders to escape Guan Yu blamed him, and Zhang Fei was so scared that he wanted to draw his sword and commit suicide. Liu Bei hurried forward to embrace, grabbed the sword and threw it on the ground, saying these words.
This sentence tells us that men should have a sense of justice when they come out to mix. It is not a simple word, it represents the love between brothers. When brothers are in trouble, they should help each other. If a brother is happy, he should be happy for him. This sentence is particularly sought after in the place where righteousness comes first.
The second sentence is: don't use small evils, don't use small goodness. This sentence was Liu Bei's last instruction to his son Liu Chan. Liu Bei said this in order to encourage Liu Chan to study in Germany. Don't do it just because the good thing is small, let alone because the bad thing is small. If it is much smaller, it will become big, which is beneficial to people all over the world. If it is much smaller, it will probably shake the whole country of Shu. Each of us has always been adhering to a kind heart, so that our society will be more beautiful and stable.
After such a long time of verification, I believe many friends have deep feelings about these two sentences. These two sentences are very reasonable. I have to say that Liu Bei realized that these two truths were rare at that time, which really benefited future generations and saved us a lot of detours.