What proletarians lose in this * * is only chains. They will get the whole world.
3. In the original sense, * * power is an organized * * used by one class to oppress another.
With the development of large-scale industry, the foundation of bourgeois production and possession of the product itself has been dug out from its feet. It first produced its own grave digger. The destruction of the bourgeoisie is as inevitable as the victory of the proletariat.
It cruelly broke the feudal fetters that bound people to the natural elders, and it made people have no other connection except naked interests and ruthless cash transactions.
6. Of all the classes opposed to the bourgeoisie at present, only the proletariat is the real class. The rest of the class declined and died with the development of big industry, but the proletariat is the product of big industry itself.
7. You can even form an alliance with the devil for some purpose on * *, but you must make sure that you are leading the devil instead of the devil.
8. In less than a hundred years of class rule, the bourgeoisie has created more productive forces than all the productive forces created by all previous generations.
9. The bourgeoisie cannot survive unless it constantly * * produces the means of production, thus * * producing relations and all social relations.
10, so far the history of all societies is the history of class struggle.
1 1, the bourgeoisie has played a very important role in history.
12, instead of the old bourgeois society with class antagonism, will be such a consortium, in which the free development of everyone is the condition for the free development of all.
13, the oppressor and the oppressed are always in opposition, and the struggle is constant, sometimes hidden, sometimes open, and the end of every struggle is that the whole society is transformed by * * or all the struggling classes perish from each other.
14, the modern bourgeois society that emerged from the demise of feudal society did not eliminate class opposition. It just replaced the old ones with new classes, new conditions of oppression and new forms of struggle.
15, a ghost, the ghost of communism, wandering in Europe.
16, the constant change of production, the constant turmoil of all social conditions, and the eternal instability and change, this is where the bourgeois era is different from all previous eras.
17, the fundamental conditions for the survival and rule of the bourgeoisie are the accumulation of wealth in private hands and the formation and proliferation of capital; The survival condition of capital is wage labor. Hired labor is entirely based on the self-competition of workers.
18, our era, the bourgeois era, has a feature: it simplifies class opposition. The whole society is increasingly divided into two hostile camps and two directly opposite classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
19. The modern bourgeoisie itself is the product of a long-term development process and a series of changes in the mode of production exchange.
20, the need to continuously expand product sales, driving the bourgeoisie to run around the world. We must settle down everywhere, develop everywhere and connect everywhere.
2 1, the bourgeoisie makes the production and consumption of all countries in the world by opening up the world market.
In the past, all sports were for the benefit of a few people. The proletarian movement is an independent movement for the benefit of the overwhelming majority of people. The proletariat, the lowest stratum in today's society, can't lift its head and stand up unless it blows up the whole upper stratum that constitutes the official society.
23. All solid things have vanished, all sacred things have been desecrated, and people finally have to calmly face the real situation of their lives and their relationship.
24. During the commercial crisis, not only a large part of the finished products were destroyed, but also a large part of the productivity that had been caused was destroyed. During the crisis, a social plague that seemed absurd in all previous times, namely overproduction plague, occurred.