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English famous quotes about love

1. Once love is satisfied, the charm of others will be gone. —— Corneille

When love is satisfied, others also eases up.

2. Love that is not expressed is sacred. ——Tagore

Don't show it love is sacred.

3. Love is hasty and is gone quickly. ——Jo Heywood

Love in a hurry, spread quickly.

4. The deeper the love, the more demanding it is, so the love of others is It is impossible to have a dispute without spirit. ——Lawrence

The deep love, the more demanding the cut, so don't may not have testosterone, disputes beeen partners.

5. True love cannot be expressed in words, Behavior is the best explanation of your heart. ——Shakespeare

True love is without words, heart behavior is the best explanation.

6. Love is harder to hide than felony murder; there is sunshine at noon in the dark night of love. ——Shakespeare

Love hidden harder than felony murder; Love night with the noon sun.

7. You can give your life without hesitation, but you cannot give love. ——Alexander Dumas

Can not hesitate to pay the life, but not love.

8. Woman, there is the music of the fountain of life in your laughter. ——Tagore

Woman, in your laughter you have the music of the fountain of life.

9. Even God can hardly remain smart in love. ── Bacon

Is god, in love is hard to keep *** art.

10. Life without love is not life, but survival. ——Gorky

Life is not life without love, but to live.

11. Sincere and pure love must be infiltrated with respect for the beloved's labor and career. ——Deng Yingchao

The permeability and sincere and pure love, must respect for labor and the career of the beloved person.

12. Love is free, and free love It's the most real. ——Tennyson

Love is free, but free love is the most real.

13. True love is timid, not exaggerated. ——Bernard

True love is timid, is not pompous.

14. Even if we are dying and declining, what we love is still loved by us.


Even if we have in decay and death, but we love, and still love for us.

15. Love has a wonderful magic power, it makes one person work for another People are attracted by it. ——Thurber and White

The magic of love is magical, it makes a person of another person.

16. Love is buried deep in the heart, not on the lips. between. ——Tennyson

Love is buried deep in the heart, not live in beeen lips.

17. I not only want the physical eyes of love to know my physical body, I want yours Spiritual eyes know my soul. ——Xu Zhimo

I should not only know my flesh to the naked eye of love, I want you to eyes to know the spirit of my soul.

18. Love, you Your words are my food, and your breath is my wine. ——Goethe

Love, your words are my food, your breath is my wine.?

19. Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything will become night. ——Romain Rolland

Love is the flame of life, without it, everything will bee the night.

20. Love is not only colorful, but also pleasing to the eye. ——Shen Stone

Love is not only rich and colorful, but also feast for the eyes.

21. The deeper the love, the more demanding it is. Between all lovers There can be no dispute without spirit. ——Lawrence

Love the deeper, the more demanding to cut, all love beeen impossible not to dispute.

22. You cannot ask the person you love to give you more than he can give you. given. ——Dostoyevsky

Can't ask the person I love to give myself more than he can give.

23. If a man's love is not exclusive, Then he will be happy with any woman. ——Wilde

Man's love if you don't fully, that he will feel happy with any woman.

24. Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of distress in life, especially in love. . ──Seneca

Can't get rid of one of the root is the anguish of life, especially in love.

25. Love is an unexpected thing for people of any class. The platform encountered.


Love is the people of any unexpected platform.

26. Loyal love fills my heart, and I cannot estimate the wealth I enjoy. ——Shakespeare

Loyal in my heart filled with love, I can't estimate their enjoy the wealth.

27. What is life without love? It's a long night without dawn! —— Burns

What is life without love? Is not the night of the dawn!

28. The power of love can enable one person to transform another person to be like himself. . ——Gorky

The power of love can make a person to transform another person like yourself.

29. From hatred to love to the craziest love, there is only one step in between. hair. ——Dostoyevsky

From hate to love, to the most crazy love, separated only by a hair in the middle.

30. Life is born for love ;Love is the principle and only purpose of life. ——Disraeli

Born for love; The principles and the only purpose of life is love.

31. If I can’t see the person I love in heaven, then Heaven is not my paradise. ——Jackson

If can't see the person I love in heaven, the heaven is not my heaven.

32. Only in love can people show their personality and shine. Use originality. ——Turgenev

People only in love can show individual character, can play to creativity.

33. If love is for self-interest, this love is not true love, but love. It is a desire. —— Edmund

If love is selfish and love, the love is not true love, but a desire.

34. Love is above all earthly considerations. —— Dickens

Love above all earthly consideration.

35. Only marriage based on love is moral. ——Engels

Only on the basis of love marriage is ethical.

36. Love is one thing, marriage is another. ——Tagore

Love is one thing and marriage is another thing.

37. No one has true love, but only love at first sight.


Who have no true love, only love at first sight.

38. Women who really fall in love often have the kind of courage that is beyond common sense. . —— Alexandre Dumas

A real woman in love, often have the kind of courage beyond mon sense.

39. The mutual love of both parties should be higher than everything else and become the basis of marriage. Base. ——Engels

Both love each other, bee the basis of marriage should above all else.

40. Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything becomes night. ——Roland

Love is the flame of life, without it, everything into the night.

41. If our hearts are made of stone, what about the arrows of Cupid? Can you shoot through them? ——Tagore

If our hearts are made of stone, Cupid's arrow how can shoot through them?

42. Spiritual communication does not require words, as long as there are two hearts full of love Just your heart will do. ——Romain Rolland

Spirit munication without language, as long as o heart full of love.

43. Water will drain and fire will go out, but love can compete with fate. . ——Nathaniel Lee

Water will drain, fire will be extinguished, but love and fate.

44. What is life without love? It is a long night without dawn. ——Pence What is life without love? There is no the night of the dawn.

Courtship on paper, this may be the most interesting way of courtship. Because this is the most durable. ——Bernard Shaw

45. Paper, this is perhaps the most interesting way of courtship. Because this is the most lasting.

People live for love, which is the gist of life. ——Gorky

46. People live for love, this is the essence of life.

The only great thing about marriage is the only love, the mutual loyalty of two hearts. ——Romain Rolland

47. Marriage of greatness lies in the only love, only hearts loyal to each other.

Money often becomes an obstacle to true friendship. ——Zou Taofen

48. Money often bees true kindness obstacles.

The starting point of love is not necessarily the body, but when love reaches the body, it reaches its climax.

——Xu Zhimo

49. The starting point is not necessarily the body of love, but love in the body to the vertex.

Love is a fulfilled life, just as a full life of wine. ——Tagore

50. Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine.

The pain and joy in love are always fighting with each other. ——Xurus

51. Love the suffering and joy always against each other.

Love will not only occupy an open mind, but sometimes it can also break into a tightly guarded heart. . ——Bacon

52. Seems (though rarely) that love can not only mind, can sometimes break into fortified spirit.

Only love can solve the mystery of immortality for you. ──Feuerbach

53. Only love to give you the riddle of the undead.

If you don’t love me, please don’t say sorry when you leave. ——Guo Jingming

54. If do not love me, please don't say sorry to leave.

What lovers vow to do is always beyond their capabilities. ——Shakespeare

55. Lovers vowed to do, is always beyond their ability.

If you make me rational, don’t want me to be crazy about you, because rationality does not require care. . ——Li Gongjun

56. You give me reason, don't want to let me crazy for you, because of reason, don't need.

There are no words for success. In death, I wish to be a mandarin duck and not to envy the immortals. ──Lu Zhaolin

57. Die into resign than orders, how, and is willing to make mandarin duck not envyimmortal.

The joy of love lies in love, and enjoying love is better than arousing love. More blissful. ——La Rochefoucauld

58. The joy of love in a love, enjoy love than love is more happiness.

Love is a great teacher, she teaches us Become a new person. ——Molière

59. Love is a great teacher, she teaches us to turn over a new leaf.

The bud of love is the end of wisdom. ——Buholt

60. The bud of love is the end of wisdom.

Properly showing some possessiveness is also a natural and healthy way of courtship.


61. Show some acquisitiveness appropriately, is also a kind of natural, healthy way of courtship.

Only when we know each other well can we not be suspicious; Only then can we get to know each other. ──Cao Yu

62. Long bosom friend, can do not doubt; No doubt, can be long bosom friend.

Without a deep love, life is wasted. ——Romain Rolland

63. Without a profound love, life is wasted.

Love has a thousand touching heartstrings and different notes. —— Joe Crabb

64. Love has one thousand moving heartstrings and different notes.

I am happy because I love, because I have love. ─ Browning I am happy, because I love, because I have love.

65. Where there is marriage without love, there is love without marriage. ——Franklin

Where where there is marriage without love, there is no love marriage.

66. In the moment of love, people enjoy more fun in life than they have in years. many. ——Stendhal

At the moment of love, people enjoy life more than themselves.

67. A kiss is the meeting of soul and soul on the lips of the lover. ——Shelley

Kiss is the soul and soul meet on lover's lips.

68. Love is a platform on which all kinds of people gather. ——Gilbert

Love is a platform, there are all sorts of people gathering above.

69. When a sincere admiration is expressed, it often arouses the admiration of others. . ——Dante

A true love of time, often provokes other people's love.

70. True love, like faith, requires innocence. ——Gorky

The true love, like faith, need to be naive.

71. When you fall in love with someone, you will feel that life is meaningful. ——Bernard Shaw

Wait until you fall in love with a person, you will feel life is meaningful.

72. Customs are the natural enemies of love. ——Bulwer Lytton

Custom is the natural enemy of love.

73. If you are loved by others, love others and make yourself lovable.


If you be loved, to love others, and lovable.

74. The meaning of love is to help the other person improve while also improving yourself. ——Chernyshevsky

The meaning of love is to help each other improve, at the same time to improve yourself.

75. Marriage is the unity of two hearts. A combination of tolerance and give-and-take. ——Romain Rolland

Marriage is need to print, the bination of phase endure neither.

76. It is absolutely true that love turns all people into orators. ——Rogellin

Love makes all bee orator this absolutely right.

77. What is the taste of love without youth? What's the point of youth without love. ——Byron

What is the taste without youth love? What's the meaning of the youth without love.

78. As long as a man and a woman truly love each other, even if they end up not getting married, they will still be sweet. of. ——Tennyson

As long as the men and women are truly in love, even if not the end of household, also is sweet.

79. Love can forgive everything. of. ——Stendhal

All love is fiveness.

80. Everything you pay for love at any time will not be wasted. ——Tasso

Any time for love give everything won't go to waste.

81. Love sublimates people's longing to the state of perfection. ──Dante

Love makes the heart imagine sublimation to good.