1. Confucius said: "Isn't it right to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it a joy to have friends from afar? Isn't it a gentleman to not be surprised if no one knows you?"
Translation: Confucius said: "After learning the principles of life and dealing with things, don't you also feel happy when you practice Yin Zheng at the appropriate time? Don't you also feel happy when like-minded friends come to gather from afar? Others don't understand but You are not angry. Isn't that also the behavior of a gentleman?"
2. Youzi said: "He who is filial to his brothers but likes to offend his superiors is rare; he who does not like to offend his superiors but likes to cause trouble is not so good. This is true. A gentleman is based on his basic principles. Filial piety is the foundation of benevolence? It is rare to respect an elder brother but like to offend your superiors; it is rare to find someone who does not like to offend your superiors but likes to make trouble.
A moral gentleman should do everything. Find a foundation and establish it, and the Tao will naturally emerge (or: A gentleman should work hard on the foundation. Once the foundation is solid, the right path of life will be revealed). It is the foundation of a person’s life!”
3. Confucius said: “Knowing one’s words makes one’s appearance bright and benevolent.”
Translation: Confucius said: “The words are beautiful and the expression is kind and warm. , Such people rarely have sincere intentions."
4. Zengzi said: "I have to examine myself three times every day: Have I been unfaithful in my plans? Have I not trusted my friends? ”
Translation: Zeng Zi (Zeng Shen) said: “I examine myself several times every day: Do I do my best when doing things for others? Do I keep my promises when dealing with friends? Do I practice what I teach my students? (Or: Teacher? Have I conscientiously practiced the principles taught to me?)"
5. The Master said: "In a country with a thousand chariots, one should respect things and be faithful, be economical and love others, so that the people can keep time. ”
Translation: Confucius said: “To govern a vassal state with a thousand chariots, you need to be cautious, honest and trustworthy, save money, take care of the officials, and serve the people during their leisure time.”
6. Confucius said: "When disciples enter, they are filial, and when they go out, they are fraternal. They are sincere and trustworthy, and they are popular with others. They are kind and benevolent. If they have enough energy to do, they should study literature."
Translation: Confucius said: "Young people should be filial to their parents at home, respect their elders when they go out, be cautious in their behavior and be trustworthy in their words, love others extensively and get close to people who have good deeds and benevolent people. Do these things conscientiously before going to school. Work hard to learn the knowledge from books (referring to borrowing from literature). ”
7. Zixia said: “The virtuous person changes his appearance; he can do his best to serve his parents; he can do his best to serve his king; and he can do his best to serve his parents. Make friends and keep your word. Even if you say you have not learned, I will definitely call it learning.” Such a person can do his best, serve the king at the expense of his life, interact with friends, speak honestly and keep his word. Although he himself says that he has not learned, I must say that he has learned. "
8. Confucius said: "If a gentleman is not serious, he will not have authority, and if he is learned, he will not be solid. The Lord is loyal and has no friends who are worse than himself. Don't be afraid to correct your mistakes. ”
Translation: Confucius said: “If a gentleman’s words and deeds are not solemn, he will have no majesty (prestige), and his many studies will become stubborn (or: after learning, it will not be solid, he will not understand the truth, and he will not be able to understand).
Taking loyalty as the principle of life and doing things (or: getting close to honest and honest people, using loyal people as teachers), not associating with people who have different interests (or: having no friends who are not like yourself), If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to correct it quickly. ”
9. Zengzi said: “Be cautious in ending and chase far away, and the people’s virtue will be strong.” ”
Translation: Zeng Shen said: “If the funeral ceremony can be cautious and the sacrifice can be pious, the social atmosphere will become more honest.” "
10. Zi Qin asked Zigong: "Master, as for being a state, you must hear about its politics and ask for peace? Withhold and with? Zigong said: "Master, you can get it by being gentle, kind, respectful, frugal and generous."
What are Master’s desires different from those of others? "
Translation: Zi Qin (Chen Kang) asked Zigong (Duanmu Ci): "Teacher, when you come to a country, you will definitely be able to hear about the political affairs of that country. Is this something you specifically seek to obtain? Or did someone else take the initiative to tell him? Zigong said: "Teachers are obtained by being gentle, kind, respectful, frugal and modest." Even if you specifically ask for it, the teacher’s method is different from others, right? ”
11. The Master said: “When the father is here, observe his ambitions; when the father is gone, observe his actions; for three years he has not changed from his father’s ways.” It can be called filial piety. ”
Translation: Confucius said: “When your father is alive, you must observe his aspirations; when your father is away, you must observe his behavior.” If you don't change your father's good and good principles of doing things for a long time, you can call it filial piety. ”
12. Youzi said: “The purpose of etiquette is harmony.” This is the beauty of the way of the ancient kings; the small and the great follow it. If there is something that cannot be done, knowing how to be harmonious and being harmonious without following etiquette is not feasible. "
Translation: Youzi said: "When etiquette is applied, the most valuable thing is to form harmony. This was the most perfect way of governing the country in ancient times. No matter how big or small the matter was, one had to follow the rules of etiquette. When something didn't work, if one only knew how to seek harmony for the sake of harmony and did not use etiquette as a means of restraint, I'm afraid it would be a disaster. It still won't work. ”
13. Youzi said: “Faith is close to righteousness, and words can be restored.” Respect is closer to etiquette than shame. Because they don't lose their relatives, they can also be members of the clan. ”
Translation: Youzi (Youruo) said: “When you make a promise with someone, you should try your best to be moral and righteous, so that you can practice what you say. Treat others with courtesy and courtesy, and you will avoid shame. Show kindness to others without losing the original love, so that you are worthy of respect (or: the person you rely on must be carefully chosen. It must be someone worthy of closeness and respect, and then you can learn from him. He can really help you. work). ”
14. Confucius said: “The gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in, and he has nothing to live in. If he is sensitive to things and careful in his words, he has the Way and is upright. He can be said to be eager to learn.” ”
Translation: Confucius said: “A gentleman does not seek satisfaction in his diet, does not seek comfort in his residence, is diligent in his work but cautious in his speech, and takes the initiative to ask for guidance and correction from those with noble aspirations and deeds. This can be called a gentleman.” A studious person. ”
15. Zigong said: “What is it like to be poor without flattery, or to be rich without arrogance?” Confucius said: "That's right; it's not like being poor but enjoying the Tao, but being rich is like being polite." ”
Zigong said: “The Book of Poetry says: ‘It’s like cutting, like brushing, like plowing, like grinding’. What does this mean?” Confucius said: "If you give it to me, then you can tell me that the "Poetry" has already been told, and tell those who have gone by to know what is coming." ”
Translation: Zigong said: “If you are poor but do not flatter others, if you are rich but do not be arrogant, how is this kind of person like? Confucius said: "Yes, but it is not as good as a poor person who is willing to do the right thing, or a rich person who likes courtesy." ”
Zigong said: “The Book of Songs says: ‘Just like trimming bones and jade, we need to constantly study and study and strive for excellence. Is this what you mean? Confucius said: "Given, now I can study the Book of Songs with you. You can draw inferences from one instance and draw inferences from what I have said to the meaning that I have not said yet." ”
16. Confucius said: “If you don’t worry about others, you don’t know yourself; when you worry, you don’t know others.” ”
Translation: Confucius said: “Don’t worry that others don’t understand you, but worry that you don’t understand others. ”
Extended information:
The Analects of Confucius is a collection of quotations from Confucius and his disciples. It was compiled by Confucius’s disciples and his disciples, and was completed in the early Warring States Period. Complete book*** There are 20 parts and 492 chapters, mainly in the form of quotations and supplemented by narratives. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and more concentratedly embodies Confucius's political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles.
The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of the Confucian school. It is a collection of quotation-style prose that mainly records words and dialogues. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in the form of quotations and dialogues, and embodies Confucius's The content of "The Analects of Confucius" covers politics, aesthetics, ethics, utilitarianism and other aspects of politics, education, literature, philosophy and principles of life.
As early as the late Spring and Autumn Period when Confucius set up forums to give lectures, the main content had been initially created; after Confucius's death, his disciples and re-disciples passed down his remarks from generation to generation, and gradually memorized these words orally. The Analects mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, so it is called "Yu".
Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty explained: "The speaker is the language of the saints, and the commentator is the discussion of the Confucian scholars." In fact, "Lun" also means compilation. The so-called "The Analects" refers to the The words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples were recorded and compiled into books. There are 20 chapters and 492 chapters in The Analects of Confucius, of which about 444 chapters record conversations between Confucius and his disciples, and 48 chapters record conversations between Confucius and his disciples.
Baidu Encyclopedia—The Analects of Confucius