Only when one never gives up can all efforts and sweat be fully rewarded. napoleon hill
3. A good education is to make people try to restrain their selfish self in nature and think more about others. -Mark Twain
Of all your clothes, your expression is the most important. Janet lane
Success means to a great extent that you persist when others give up. William Taylor
The happiest thing in life is to make sure that we are loved, because that "self", or more accurately, no matter what kind of "self", we are still loved. Victor Hugo
7. Happiness is perfected by sharing with others. Jane bott
8. Reach out your hand to promote and support others. There is no better mental exercise. John Holmes
9. If you have never really helped anyone unconditionally, you can't live a perfect day even if you earn countless money, regardless of the return. -Ruth Smythe.
10. No matter how different the personal environment is, one thing is that the world they live in is caused by themselves. Joseph morems
1 1. The secret of success is to stick to your ideals. Benjamin Disraeli
12. Only those who dare to believe that they are better than those around them can achieve brilliant success. Bruce Barton
13. hatred paralyzes life, and only love can cure it; Hatred makes life chaotic and turbulent, and only love can play a harmonious life movement again; Hatred has plunged life into endless darkness, and only love can rekindle the light of life. -Martin Luther King
14. No matter how much work a person can accomplish, no matter how charming his personality is, he will never make great progress in his career unless he learns to cooperate with others. John Craig
15. Temptation is everywhere, and desires arise at any time, but we should understand that the world is not self-centered, so we should learn to wait and control our emotions and behaviors. William Bennett
16. There is no constant sense of security in life, only opportunity. -Mark Twain
17. Love is not the force that makes the world go round, but it is because of love that the journey of life is valuable and meaningful. -Franklin Jones
18. Many examples of failure in life are because people don't know how close they are to success when they give up. Thomas Edison
19. Error is the entrance of "discovery". James Joyce
Only the person who knocks at the door can see that the door is open. Tagore
2 1. God gives every bird enough food, but he will never throw food into the nest and send it to every bird's mouth. -Netherlands (Inspirational Network)
22. Victory can't be won in one battle. What you need may be a long and arduous war of resistance. Margaret Thatcher