With wings, birds can fly freely in the blue sky; with strong limbs, horses can gallop in the wilderness; with deep roots, trees can thrive; and with people, Only by learning to take responsibility can you be the first among all things and stand proudly in the world.
The courage to take responsibility is Qu Yuan’s great sentiment of self-respect and self-improvement, concern for the country and loyalty to the emperor, and his unswerving pursuit of lofty ideals until death. As a noble minister, Qu Yuan shouldered the responsibility of benefiting the people and making the country prosperous. Although he could not gain the trust of King Huai of Chu and even though he was repeatedly demoted and exiled, he remained persistent. He forgot his own safety and future, but always kept his responsibilities and ambitions in mind. When the motherland fell, he threw himself into the river in tears without hesitation, and died to show his loyalty. Qu Yuan, with his great character and noble pursuit, left a glorious page in history.
The courage to take on responsibilities is Su Wu’s persistence in shepherding sheep and being loyal and patriotic. He was ordered to send an envoy to the Huns, but something unexpected happened. Due to the breakdown of relations between the Central Plains and the Huns, he was imprisoned in the northern part of the country. However, Su Wu always kept in mind his identity and mission as an envoy to the Han Dynasty, and he was unyielding and unyielding despite poverty. In the wild Beihai, Su Wu faced the biting cold, propped up his walking stick, gnawed on grass felts and drank snow water, but he never forgot his mission and responsibility. His heroic words of "I am a Han in life, I will be a Han ghost in death" are resonant. After eighteen years of hard work and eighteen years of vicissitudes, Su Wu used his words and deeds to explain to us what "responsibility" means.
The courage to take responsibility is Yuan Longping’s unremitting pursuit of squatting in the fields for many years to conduct research and experiments. Let all Chinese people have enough to eat! It was such a simple wish that inspired his unremitting pursuit. The bitter wind and rain could not extinguish the passion in his heart, the scorching sun and heat could not destroy his perseverance, and the cold words and ridicules could not destroy his firm belief. Cold and summer came and went, several springs and autumns, with full hair and no regrets. Finally, he successfully cultivated hybrid rice and became the world's "Father of Hybrid Rice." Just because of a simple wish, a pair of strong shoulders have been achieved.
Looking at today’s society, there are still many irresponsible behaviors in China today. From Sanlu melamine milk powder to Sudanese red eggs, from waste oil to dyed steamed buns, how many unscrupulous businessmen have lost their basic morality for their own selfish interests, let alone shouldering social responsibilities; the moonlight clan, the nanny clan, the nanny clan, The skipping generation, etc., these terms all point the finger at contemporary youth. The lack of responsibility among contemporary youth has become an indisputable fact. Talking about the word responsibility, it feels so heavy today!
The courage to take responsibility is a great realm of life. In just a few decades of life, extraordinary music can be written because of responsibility, and magnificent achievements can be achieved because of responsibility. May each of us become a courageous and responsible person.