What effect does violent content on TV have on children?
In recent more than a quarter of a century, more and more evidence shows that exposing children to violent content on TV has had a far-reaching impact on their behavior. During the period of 1982- 1986, the total time spent on violent TV programs increased sharply every week. The total time for TV to broadcast violent programs per hour has increased dramatically. In the past few years, the number of atrocities broadcast on TV every hour has increased from 19 to 27. Judging from the time children watch TV, atrocities have become one of the most iconic behaviors that children want to imitate. The position statement on media violence in children's lives recently adopted by the National Youth Education Association pointed out that preschool children are particularly vulnerable to the influence of the media, because they can't completely distinguish fantasy from reality, and their understanding of the potential motivation of behavior and the subtleties of moral conflict has not been well developed. For example, the rapid verification of people who have been attacked by violence on TV gives children an unrealistic picture of subsidized families. Recently, the National Committee for Early Childhood Education announced that. The Statement on the Influence of Media Violence in Life points out that preschool children are particularly vulnerable to the influence of the media, because they can't distinguish fictional things from real life, because they can't fully understand the potential motivation of a certain behavior and the complexity of moral conflict. For example, people recover quickly after being attacked by violence on TV, which makes children have an unreal understanding of the suffering of the injured. Children naturally want toys to be displayed and advertised in the program. With toys, their games tend to imitate rather than imagine. Children simply imitate the behaviors observed in the program, thus destroying the imagination and expressiveness of the game. Most toys related to violence advertised on TV have a narrow range, which highlights the role of games in helping children better understand their own feelings and explain their world. Some studies even suggest that children should apply the behaviors observed on TV programs to their real life. Of course, children often want the toys appearing in these programs, and they really want the toys in the advertisements interspersed in those programs. Children simply imitate the actions observed in the program, and they can't dig out or appreciate the thought-provoking place of this TV series, let alone understand the touching place of this TV series. Most of the toys related to violence introduced in TV advertisements are not effective for children. These toys can't help children understand their feelings better, nor can they help children explain the world around them. The results of some surveys show that children have applied some actions they saw on TV programs to their real life environment. It is a good idea that parents can help parents or parents should help parents monitor the amount and types of TV their preschool children watch. If your child seems to be fascinated by war games and weapons, it is a good idea to control him to watch TV. It is easier to control TV watching in the pre-school years than in the school years, so you should start a mode of restricting TV watching now. It is a good idea for parents to supervise how long preschool children watch TV and what kind of TV movies they watch. If you think your child is crazy about watching TV shows about war and playing with weapons, it is a good idea to control him to watch TV. It is easier to control children watching TV before school than after school, so now you should start to implement a set of rules to strictly control children watching TV. Help your child explain what she saw-think about the explanation of the described events and imagine how the program is organized. Make a simple comment on a performance, but don't imply that her fashion for drama and weapons has created her guild. Ask the preschool teacher how to treat war movies and toy weapons. Many kindergarten teachers don't like to bring toy weapons made for commercial purposes into the classroom. They like to hear your opinion on this matter. Find some parents who share your views. Let's work together to control the time children watch violent programs and control the number of violent toys found at home. Try to arrange several parties for children to play together, and use this kind of children's party instead of watching TV. Or find some videos of healthy non-violent programs for children to watch and encourage them to replace those violent TV programs with these attractive programs.