American scientist Franklin once said such a famous saying: "An empty bag cannot stand upright". What is the truth?
Franklin, an American scientist, once said: "Empty bags are hard to stand upright", and romain rolland, a French scientist, also said: "Wealth is unreliable. Today's rich may be tomorrow's beggars, but only their own knowledge and talents are the real capital. " There is a famous saying in the ancient Godson of China: "Others left a bucket of gold for future generations, and I only left a bucket for future generations." These words show us a very important truth, that is, to survive and develop in the fierce social competition, we must constantly improve our skills. To be self-reliant and self-reliant, one must have a wealth of knowledge. If a person has no knowledge, he will be like an empty pocket, with nothing, and he can't stand on his own feet.