The meaning of this sentence is that Confucius said, "Teach students not to enlighten them until they are puzzling over it, and not to enlighten them until they can't say what they want to say. Point out one aspect to him, and if he can't infer the other three aspects from it, he won't teach him any more. " Anger: I can't figure it out when I think about problems. Fěi: I want to express it but I can't say it. F: Inspiration.
This is the teaching method of Confucius. Confucius advocated not to be angry and not to be angry. Anger is that we have a desire to learn, a desire to think, and a desire to learn. Only then do we inspire him. Learning is a student's own business. If you want to learn well, you must work hard first. Students don't take the initiative and try to get the teacher to take the initiative to help them think, which is not good for learning. You can't extrapolate, explore by yourself, and the teacher can't teach.
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this sentence is an important famous saying of Confucius on heuristic teaching, which has a far-reaching influence on later generations. This sentence comes from the Analects of Confucius, which is the seventh chapter of the Analects of Confucius and mainly tells the way of Confucius' education.
Confucius advocated choosing education methods according to students' personality characteristics, which was later called "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude". The above also reflects an educational attitude, which is similar to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, but not the same. What Confucius said here is "teaching students according to their status", and observing the specific state of students determines education. Before talking about the specific content of learning, we first emphasized the attitude of learning. From "anger", "regret" and "drawing inferences from others", we can see that Confucius attached importance to students' subjectivity and emphasized their own experience.
He put forward the idea of "heuristic" teaching. As far as teaching is concerned, he opposes the practice of "cramming" and "cramming". It is in line with the basic laws of teaching and has far-reaching influence, which can still be used for reference in today's teaching process.