Bodhi has no tree, and the bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the beginning, so where can it cause dust. The literal meaning: Bodhi has no tree in the first place, and the bright mirror is not a stand. Originally it was nothingness, so what kind of dust would be caught there? This verse was written by Hui Neng. At that time, Huineng had only been in the temple for more than eight months. He spent all day doing chores in the backyard chopping firewood and pounding rice. He accidentally heard a young monk singing this verse of Shenxiu and thought that he had not yet seen his nature. So he recited a verse and asked someone to write it on the wall. It was appreciated by Hongren and passed on to him. The essence of this verse is to directly point to the human heart and achieve Buddhahood by seeing one's nature. Both the bodhi tree and the mirror stand have spatial images. Anything with spatial images must be relative, so they cannot be used to describe the self. Self-nature does not matter cultivation or attainment. It is an absolute state in itself. Everyone has the bright self-nature, and as long as it is not polluted, it can be revealed naturally. Therefore, knowing the nature of the mind cannot be entered through practice. This is the "epiphany". Please refer to the Complete Book of Buddhism.