King Philip II of Macedon married Princess Olympus of pars.
356 BC
On July 20th, in Pella, Macedonia, a statue of Alexander the Great, Philip's eldest son, was born in Olympus.
343 BC
Aristotle was appointed Alexander's teacher.
342 BC
Alexander got a black stallion, and this unruly mount will accompany him everywhere in the future.
338 BC
Philip II's Macedonian army defeated Greece. At that time, the cavalry was led by Alexander, who was no longer in his prime.
337 BC
Alexander's father Philip II married his second wife Cleo Peittola.
Alexander was angry because his father divorced and remarried, what's more, his inheritance to the throne was threatened, so he had an argument with his father and returned to his hometown of Epirus with his mother Olympus.
Alexander made peace with his father Philip II and returned to Macedonia in autumn.
336 BC
Philip II was assassinated by bodyguard Posanius.
Alexander succeeded to the throne of Macedonia.
Cleopatra and her newborn son were executed.
335 BC
Alexander crossed the Danube and established the northern border of the empire.
Alexander put down the rebellion in Thebes.
334 BC
Alexander entered Persia through the Sea of Sheila and defeated the Persian defenders in the Battle of Kass, grani.
Alexander captured the Persian fortress Halicarnassus.
333 BC
Alexander defeated King Darius Iii of Persia in the Battle of Aesop.
332 BC
It is said that the famous Shiva Oracle confirmed Alexander's godhead-claiming Zeus as his biological father.
Besieged tires.
Siege Gaza.
Alexander became the Pharaoh of Memphis, Egypt.
33 BC1
In memory of Alexander, Egypt built the city of Alexandria.
Darius, king of Persia, was finally defeated at the Battle of Gauguin Milla.
Alexander attacked Babylon.
330 BC
Alexander's army advanced to the gates of Persia and burned the official capital of Persia.
329 BC
Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush Mountains and entered Central Asia.
328 BC
Alexander divided the army into five branches to quell the rebellion in Central Asia.
The rebel leader Spitamini defeated Alexander.
327 BC
In the summer, Alexander married Luo Shan, the daughter of the noble Osia Tis.
Alexander invaded India.
326 BC
Alexander defeated Indian King poros at the Battle of Perth, hadas.
325 BC
Alexander arrived in the Indian Ocean.
324 BC
Alexander married his second wife, Statilla, in Susa, Persia. She is the daughter of the defeated king Darius. Hephaestion, Alexander's lifelong friend and rumored close lover, died in iqbal Atana.
323 BC
Alexander returned to Babylon. On June 1 1, Alexander, who was only 32 years old, died after a severe fever of unknown cause 10.
32 BC1
Ptolemy Soto, a general of Alexandria, stole Alexander's sarcophagus and transported his body to Egypt. This is the last place where Alexander's mausoleum can be traced, but it also disappeared at the end of the 4th century, and its whereabouts are still unknown. Hephaistion (about 356 BC-autumn of 324 BC), the son of Amitor, a Macedonian aristocrat, went down in history because he was a close friend of Alexander the Great. He is Alexander's right assistant minister and gay.
No one knows when hershey and Alexander first met, but they probably met when Aristotle was educated with aristocratic children in Mieza village. To be sure, hershey and Aristotle must have met and exchanged letters, because Aristotle left a collection of letters in the world, which recorded all the letters he wrote to hershey.
From the first day Alexander marched into Asia, hershey accompanied him and became a member of his guard. Robin Lane Fox, an authority on the history of Oxford University, once presented evidence that Hershey was Alexander's' other half'. Another famous legend mentioned that when Alexander's army passed the old site of Troy, Alexander made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Achilles, the ancient Greek hero, while Hirsch made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Patroclus, Achilles' good friend, because Achilles and Patroclus were famous homosexuals in ancient Greece. Alexander and Hirsch's move was tantamount to revealing their friendship to Alexander's army.
After the Battle of Issus, Alexander and hershey visited the spoils from Persia together. These trophies include the family of the Persian emperor Darius Iii. During this tour, it is said that Sisi Gambis (the queen mother of Persia captured by Macedonian army) mistakenly thought that the tall Hirsch was Alexander himself, but Alexander didn't blame anyone but told her, "Hephaestion is also Alexander." Later generations suggested that this ambiguous phrase may be imagined by historians, because in Greek, the real meaning of "Alexander" is "the guardian of the people", so this sentence may be a joke made by historians with puns. But in any case, this story still represents the open intimate relationship between Alexander and Hepcidin.
Hershey was not an excellent soldier, but a reserve officer with great talent-his talent in this field played a decisive role when Alexander's army crossed the Gedrosian desert. Whenever hershey went to the front, Alexander always asked hershey to command the army with other generals, or arranged him beside him to avoid loopholes. Historians point out that hershey was a brilliant diplomat because he had been to India many times, and the King Sidon he met was one of the most respected emperors in local history. Hershey often plans various urban construction and bridge projects for Alexander's territory.
Before Alexander marched into India, that is, near today's Afghanistan, Alexander officially awarded Hefeier the titles of "Chilia Ear" and "First-class Official" and officially recognized him as his right assistant. During the Indian attack, hershey once again led the logistics corps, bridged all the way, and commanded one of Alexander's direct guards.
In the autumn of 324 BC, Alexander's army arrived in Hamadan (formerly known as Ek Platthana) and camped there for the winter. During this period, Hershey was seriously ill and died a week later. Hephaestion's death is unknown; The symptoms before death were similar to typhoid fever, but some descendants speculated that it died of poison. Hershey's death made Alexander very sad, but people have different opinions on the degree of Alexander's sadness.
Some historians say that after Hephaestion's death, Alexander shaved his head, ordered the hair of all military horses to be cut off, completely banned banquet activities, and executed hershey's attending doctor. Later, Alexander transported hershey's body to Babylon, where an unprecedented grand mourning ceremony was held to mourn the dead. Alexander asked the famous temple in Sidon to regard hershey as a saint. Many people associate Hephaestion with the death of Alexander because Alexander himself died eight months after Hirsch's death. At the time of his death, the monument designed by Alexander for Hephaestion had not been completed.
Later generations commented: "... Alexander suffered a great blow in Ekbatana-he lost Hephaestion." His close lover left, and he lost Hephaestiana's friendly and optimistic heart. Hepcidin was more important to Alexander than Ptolemy the wise and Nierkus the brave. They are friendlier than friends and closer than brothers. For Alexander, only hephaestus can soothe the loneliness of his ruler with tenderness. Legend has it that on the night of hephaistion's death, Alexander, a hero who conquered half the world at a young age, cried in tears at night like a completely desperate child. No matter how powerful a person is, there is always a strong desire in his soul to contact with another soul. For Alexander, a strong man who conquered the world, this desire will make him feel an avalanche of loneliness and despair. "
Historian Robin Lane Fox: The Biography of Alexander the Great: "Alexander loved Hepcidin deeply. From the moment they met, they were doomed to be close for life. Shortly after Alexander's death, the ancient Greek philosopher said that Alexander the Great was invincible all his life, but he lost once: between Hephaestion's legs. "
"Alexander the Great was still Hephaes' lover at the age of thirty, although most Greek men had left their homosexuals at that age. Generally, Greek men will choose a younger lover when they reach the age of 30, but Alexander and Hephaes will never do so-their love is very firm. Hephaes will accompany Alexander all his life and become Alexander's right-hand man until death do us part. "
"Alexander's guard consists of his closest nobles. For example, Leonardo, who is good at sports, and Ptolemy, who is intelligent and fickle, are friends he has known since childhood. However, Hephaestion is the closest person to Alexander in any case and has always been very supportive of all platforms for Alexander to get close to foreign cultures. "
Mary Renault's work Alexander the Great: "Alexander has always loved Hephaestion; Their love is so deep that it transcends the love of the flesh. Alexander once had Toy Boy, but the relationship between Hephaestion and Alexander was not affected. "