1. The righteousness of loyalty to others, the conduct of adults, the teacher of righteous people, and the ambition of the whole person.
2. Those who can flatter me will be able to harm me, so we should be careful to guard against them; those who are willing to discipline me will be willing to help, so we should listen attentively to them.
3. Those who use power to make friends will be defeated; those who use benefits to make friends will be scattered.
4. The deer calls each other for food, and the felling trees call for friends.
5. The stars are very bright wherever they are. It depends on whether you look up to see them.
6. God will take away the best things around us to remind us that we have received too much!
7. We must learn to cherish every day of our lives, because the beginning of each day will be the first day of the rest of our lives. Unless we are about to die.
8. Many things are gone, like fireworks lost in the wind. They disappeared before I could say goodbye.
9. I heard someone say that there is a kind of bird in the world that has no legs. It can only fly and fly. When it is tired of flying, it sleeps in the wind. This kind of bird can only go to the ground once in its life. , that's when it dies.
10. Maybe every man has had two women like this, at least two. Marry a red rose, and over time, the red one will become a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, while the white one will remain "the bright moonlight in front of the bed"; marry a white rose, and the white one will become a grain of rice sticky on the clothes, but the red one will become A cinnabar mole on the heart.