The old bird said, "I have so little meat, can I fill your stomach?"
The man said, "Although there is little meat, it is delicious."
The old bird said, "I can give you something much more useful than my meat." These are three words of wisdom. If you learn, you will get rich. "
The man was impatient: "Tell me, what are these three famous sayings?"
There was a sly flicker in the old bird's eyes and he said slowly, "I can tell you, but on one condition: I will tell you the first famous saying in your hand, then I will tell you the second famous saying when you let me go, and then I will tell you the third famous saying when I fly to the tree."
This man is bent on getting three famous sayings as soon as possible, so that he can make a fortune. He did it and immediately replied, "I promise your terms." Say the first famous saying. "
The old bird said, "The first famous saying is: Don't regret what you lost! According to our conditions, please let me go now. " The man let the old bird go.
"This second famous saying is: Don't believe in the impossible." Say that finish, it flapped its wings and flew to the treetops. "You are such a fool. If you had just killed me, you would have taken out a priceless treasure weighing 120g from my stomach. "
Hearing this, the man repented and bit his lips out of blood. He looked at the birds in the tree, still thinking about their cultural and educational conditions, and then said, "Please tell me the third famous saying quickly!" " "
The sly old bird laughed at him and said, "greedy man, your greedy heart covers your eyes." Since you have forgotten the first two famous sayings, what good is it to tell you the third sentence? Didn't I tell you' don't regret what you lost, don't believe what is impossible'? Think about it, my whole body's flesh and blood, feathers and wings add up to less than100g. How can there be more than 120 grams of big gems in your stomach? "
Hearing this, the man was dumbfounded and embarrassed, and the expression on his face was ridiculous. ...
A bird plays a trick on a person like this.
The old bird looked back at the bird and said, "Son, have you seen it with your own eyes now?"
The bird replied, "Yes, I have really seen it, but how can this person believe that there is a jewel in your belly that exceeds your weight? How can he believe such an impossible thing?"
The old bird replied, "greed, son, this is the nature of human greed!" " "
The birds call that man a big fool.
After reading the whole article, what do you think is the specific performance of that man's stupidity? Please write it down briefly.