Original text:
Chen Zhong set a good example for his words, acted as a model for the world, got on the chariot and took the bridle, and had the ambition to clarify the world. When he arrived, he was the governor of Yuzhang and asked Xu Ruzi where he was, wanting to see it first. The Lord Bo said: "The crowd wants the king of the house to be here first." Chen said: "The king of Wu is like Shang Rong, and the table is too busy to warm my courtesy and virtuous people. Why not?"
Chen Zhongju: Chen Fan. Principles: principles. Bridle: the horse's reins. Boarding the carriage and picking up the bridle: the official takes office. Zhubo: The envoy in charge of documents. Lu: The door of an alley. Xi: sit down; leisure: free time. He got up before even having time to sit on the mat and get warm. It originally meant running around and not being able to live in peace. Later, he said that he was very busy and had no time to sit down for a while. Xie: official office. Shang Rong: a sage during the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Laozi’s teacher
Chen Zhongju’s words are an example for scholars, and his behavior is a norm in the world. When he took office, he had the ambition to revolutionize politics. When he was appointed as the governor of Yuzhang, as soon as he arrived, he asked where Xu Ruzi was and wanted to visit him first. The chief registrar reported: "Everyone wants you to go to the official residence first." He said: "After King Wu of Zhou conquered the world, he didn't even sit on the mat to warm it. He first went to the residence of the sage Shang Rong to show respect. I salute you." What's wrong with a wise man not being an official?"
From "Shishuo Xinyu" compiled by Liu Yiqing (403~444), a member of the Southern Song Dynasty. . Shishuoxinyu is my country's earliest collection of novels written in classical Chinese. "Shishuoxinyu" is a notebook novel that reflects the style of literati in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the characteristics of the times. It is a representative work of ancient Chinese novels about people and has a great influence on later literary creations and poets. It has been deeply influenced by people for thousands of years. Readers love it and spread far and wide overseas. The author Liu Yiqing (404~444) was a writer in the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. He was a member of the Song clan in the Southern Dynasty. He was granted the title of King of Linchuan and served as the governor of Nanzhou. "Song Book" said that he "loved literary meaning" and "gathered literary scholars from near and far." He is the author of nine volumes of "Biography of the Sages of Xuzhou" and "Dianxu", and the novel "You Ming Lu", etc. The current version of "Shishuoxinyu" consists of six volumes and thirty-six chapters. It is divided into thirty-six categories such as virtue, speech, political affairs, literature, uprightness, elegance, discernment, appreciation, taste, and rules. The content mainly records the words, deeds and anecdotes of some celebrities from the late Eastern Han Dynasty to the Jin and Song Dynasties.