A gentleman's journey is to cultivate one's character through tranquility and cultivate one's virtue through thrift. If it is not indifferent, it will not clear its aspirations, and if it is not tranquil, it will not reach far.
Talent is created in silence, while character is formed in the turbulent waves of the world.
How blessed are the simple people, because they enjoy great tranquility.
The broad river is calm, and the educated man is humble.
Having a peaceful mind means grasping the whole of the mind; having a stable spirit means being able to command oneself.
If the source is quiet, the flow will be clear, if the root is solid, it will be lush; if the inner part is cultivated, the outer part will be organized, and if the shape is straight, the shadow will be straight.
The so-called happy life must refer to a quiet life. The reason is that only in a quiet atmosphere can the real joy of life be produced.
Erudite and determined, his mind is leisurely and calm.
Poetry is a natural outburst of strong emotions, and its source is the emotion of quiet recollection.
Piety is not an end, but a means. It is the means to achieve the highest cultivation through the purest tranquility of the soul.