Sima Qian asked, "If I can learn geometry?" The letter said, "Your Majesty can only pay 100,000 yuan." The master said, "What about the son?" Say, "The more officials, the better."
General regulations
After Liu Bang proclaimed himself emperor, Han Xin was made king of Chu by Liu Bang. Soon, Liu Bang received a tip-off, saying that Han Xin had taken Zhong Limei, Xiang Yu's old staff, and was ready to rebel. So, he adopted the plan of the counselor, pretended to go to Yunmengze for a cruise, and invited his ministers to meet in Chen. When Han Xin found out, he killed Zhong Limei and went to see Liu Bang. Liu Bang ordered the arrest of Han Xin. Return to Luoyang. After returning to Luoyang, Liu Bang knew that Han Xin had not rebelled and remembered his past exploits, so he was demoted to Huaiyin Hou. Han Xin heart very dissatisfied; But there's nothing I can do. Knowing Han Xin's thoughts, Liu Bang one day put Han in the palace to chat and asked him to comment on the talents of the generals in the DPRK. Han Xin told them all. Of course, those people are not in Han Xin's eyes. Hearing this, Liu Bang smiled and asked him, "In your opinion, how many people can I take?" "Your Majesty can take a hundred thousand." Han Xin replied. Liu Bang asked again, "What about you?" "For me, of course, the more the better!" Liu Bang said with a smile: "The more troops, the better. How did you get caught by me? " Knowing that he had said something wrong, Han Xin quickly concealed: "Although your majesty has few troops, he has the ability to control generals!" Liu Bang was very unhappy to see that Han Xin was still so arrogant after being demoted to Huaiyin.
Later, Liu Bang went out again, and Liu Bang's wife Lv Hou finally designed to kill Han Xin.
Source: Historical Records Biography of Huaiyin