"Honor and Disgrace" is devoted to people's pursuit of honor and aversion to shame. A gentleman pursues the respect of propriety and righteousness, but it often leads to the respect of the times, so that both honors are in line with the Tao. The villain only pursues the honor of the times and does not avoid the shame of courtesy and righteousness, which often leads to the shame of the times. Therefore, neither courtesy nor the glory of the times can be obtained, which is not in line with the Tao. The ultimate goal of a gentleman's pursuit of respect for propriety and righteousness is for all the people in the world.
Famous aphorisms in Xunzi
1, lack of study. Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. -"Encourage learning"
Da Qiao didn't do anything, and Dazhi wasn't worried. -"The Theory of Heaven"
3, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, and the gentleman is knowledgeable and saves himself, knowing but doing nothing. -"Encourage learning"
4, do not climb the mountain, I don't know the height of the sky; Don't face the deep stream, I don't know the thickness of the ground; I didn't know the greatness of learning until I heard the last words of my late king. -"Encourage learning"