I read the "Book of Rites", and the teachings of the sages: using the dustpan, broom, dagger and chopsticks, coughing and spitting, and holding the candle to wash the toilet, all have strict rules and regulations, and they are also the best. However, since it is incomplete, it is not possible to restore the complete book; some of it is not included, and when the world changes, those who learn to be a gentleman, conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, and inherit and practice it, are therefore called scholar-bureaucrats in the world. The houses are quite different, and the names they see are called each other's length; but the distance between them is also self-evident. In the past, in the south of the Yangtze River, my eyes could see it and my ears could hear it. In the thick hemp, I didn't bother to write. Ru Cao was born among soldiers and horses, and did not know anything about sight and hearing, so he talked and recorded it to pass it down to his descendants.
"Li" says: "Seeing something similar to the Eye Qu, is famous as the Heart Qu." ? Feelings, sympathy and sympathy; if you are in a calm and ordinary place, I am lucky enough to show your affection. It must not be avoided, but must be tolerated; just like uncles and brothers, if you are cruel to your ancestors, you will be heartbroken for life, and you will be separated from them? Also: "Don't mince words in the text, don't mince words in the temple, and the king will not mince words." ?In order to become famous, you must have news, and you don’t have to expect to get away in trouble. In Liang Dynasty, he was very famous for his thanksgiving. He would cry when hearing taboos and was ridiculed by the world. There was also Zang Fengshi, the son of Zang Yan, who devoted himself to study and practice and never fell into the family tradition. Xiaoyuan was a pastor in Jiangzhou, and was sent to Jianchang as a governor. Those who suffer from severe cold will shed tears over it, forget about taking care of things, neglect official affairs too much, feel resentful about things, and retreat without doing anything. This is not a problem.
Recently in Yangdu, there was a scholar who refused to judge, but had a close friendship with the Shen family.
Anyone who avoids taboos must be replaced by his peers: Xing Gong’s name is Bai, and Bo is known as Wu Hao; King Li’s name is long, and Qin has short eyes. If you don't hear it, it means that the cloth is cloth, and if you call the kidneys and intestines, it means that the kidneys are repaired. Liang Wu's nickname was Ah Lian, and his descendants all called him Silk. This meant that the selling chain thing was the selling silk thing, which may not be true. There may be people who refer to clouds, calling them smoke, and people who refer to tung trees, calling the sycamore tree a white iron tree, which is like a joke.
The Duke of Zhou named his son Qin, and Confucius named his son carp. If it stops on its body, it can be done without restraint. As for the Marquis of Wei, the Young Master of Wei, and the Prince of Chu, they are all named Lice; Changqing is named Quanzi. Wang Xiu's name is Gouzi, and there is a link to it, but the theory is not clear. What was done in ancient times is what is laughed at today. There are many children in the Northern Territory whose names are donkeys, colts, and pigs. How can we tolerate them calling themselves the names of their brothers? In the former Han Dynasty, there was Yin Wenggui, in the later Han Dynasty, there was Zheng Wenggui, the Liang family also had Kong Wenggui, and Gu Wengchong; in the Jin Dynasty, there was Xu Siyi , Meng Shaogu: With such a name, luckily you should avoid it.
Today’s people avoid taboos and are more anxious about the past. Anyone named Zi should be Sun Di. Among my personal acquaintances, there are taboos such as taboo, taboo, taboo for friends, taboo for Tong, taboo for Qing, taboo for harmony, and taboo for Yu. They are closely related to each other, and they are guilty of hundreds of crimes. Those who hear them are hard-working and have no hope to rely on them.
In the past, Sima Changqing admired Lin Xiangru, so he was named Xiangru. Gu Yuanhuan admired Cai Yong, so he was named Yong. In the later Han Dynasty, Zhu Mian was named Sun Qing, Xu Xian was named Yan Hui, and in Liang Dynasty, there were Yu Yanying, ancestors and grandsons. Deng, even the surnames of the ancients were regarded as first names, which is also despicable.
In the past, Liu Wenrao couldn't bear to call slaves "animal products". Nowadays, fools make fun of them, and some people call them dolphin calves: Is it possible for someone who has the knowledge to look on and wants to cover his ears?
p>Recently, when discussing Cao Cao, there was a dignitary, a famous official in the world, who thought that the proposal was too generous. In the Qi Dynasty, there were one or two literary men from the gentry, who said: "Today the world is unified, and it must be the standard of a hundred generations. How can we still make the old ideas in Guanzhong? Ming Gong must be Tao Zhugong's eldest son!" He laughed at each other, but he didn't think so. Dislike.
The descendants of the former Hou Ba called their grandfather their grandfather; King Chen Si called his father his father and his mother his mother; Panni called his ancestor his ancestor: what the ancients did is what people do today. All smiles. Today, it is a custom in the north and south to talk about one's ancestors and second relatives, those from the Wuyun family. Only those who live in the fields can hear such words. Whenever you talk to others about your father, you should address him by the order of his family. If you don't talk about your family, you will respect your father and not dare to go home. When talking about aunts and daughters, if they are married, they will be called by their husband's surname; if they are in the household, they will be called by their descendants. If you follow the rules of propriety and become a member of other clans, you will not be able to join the Yun family. Those whose descendants cannot call themselves family are treated lightly. In Cai Yong's collection of books, he calls his aunt his aunt and sister; in Ban Gu's collection of books, he calls his aunt the grandson of the Yun family: this is not possible now.
Whenever you address someone to your grandparents, parents, parents, and aunt, you always add the word "respect". From uncles and parents below, you add the word "xian" to show the difference between honor and inferiority. In Wang Xizhi's book, he calls his mother the same as claiming to be his own mother, which is not the case today.
During the winter solstice, southerners do not go to mourn their families; if they do not study, they wear girdle during the festival to express their condolences. On the day when people in the north are old, they perform the rituals again. If the rituals are not clearly written, I will not take them. Southerners don't greet guests when they arrive, they hold hands without bowing when they meet, and they just see guests off to the table. Northerners greet guests and come to the door, bow when meeting each other. This is the ancient way, and I am good at greeting and bowing.
In the past, princes and princes claimed to be lonely, widowed, and ignorant. Since then, they have been regarded as Confucius's holy master by everyone in their disciples. Although he was called a minister later, there were only a few practitioners. In the south of the Yangtze River, each has its own title, with various "Shu Yi". People in the north often use names, which is a legacy from the ancient times. I am good at using names.
When talking about our ancestors, we should express our admiration for them. What was easy for the ancients is what is difficult for today’s people. Jiangnan’s human affairs cannot be understood, so we must read them carefully. The northerners have nothing to say and visit. Such things should not be done to others. If others add it to yourself, you should avoid it. If your reputation is not high, if you are forced by nobles and nobles, you should endure it for convenience and get it quickly; do not make it troublesome and humiliate your grandfather. If not, and those who need to be mentioned, then sit down in silence and be called "in the gate", "father" and "uncle" are called "brothers" in the gate, and "brothers" are called the deceased's son in a certain gate. Yu Chang. If I talk to you, even if my appearance changes, I will still say that my ancestors have died, my uncles have died, and my uncles have died.
I have seen some famous people call their dead brothers brothers and disciples, but this is not the case. This is not the custom of the Northern Territory. When Taiyang came to visit, Liang first entered the south. When I came to Ye, his brother and son came to visit and reluctantly asked. I replied: "You are in Liang from the gate, so and so." ?Su said: ?This is my seventh deceased uncle, I am not a follower. ?Zu Xiaozheng was sitting here, foretelling the customs in Jiangnan, and he said: ?Xian comes from the disciples, why is it confusing?
In ancient times, everyone called uncles, but in this world, most people call them uncles. It is unavoidable for a brother or sister from his father to call his mother uncle and aunt before him. When a brother's son is orphaned, it is quite intolerable to call him brother, son and disciple when talking to others. People in the north often call him nephew. Case: "Erya", "Mourning Clothes Sutra", "Zuo Zhuan", although the nephew's name is male and female, he is also the name of his aunt. When the Jin Dynasty came, people began to call them uncles and nephews; now they call them nephews, which is a win for reason.
It is easy to say goodbye but hard to say goodbye, which is what the ancients valued. When sending farewell to the south of the Yangtze River, I cried and said goodbye. There was a prince, the younger brother of Emperor Wu of Liang, who came out of Dongjun and said goodbye to Emperor Wu. The emperor said: "I am old, and I am very sorry to be separated from you." ?Crying for several lines. Hou Sui suddenly came out in the dark clouds. Sitting here and being scolded, I sailed across the river to Zhuge for a hundred days or so, but I couldn't leave. It is the custom in the north to disdain this matter, to say goodbye when they meet on different roads, and to part ways with laughter. However, there are people in human nature who are prone to tears. Although their intestines are exhausted, their eyes are still blind. Such people should not be blamed.
All relatives’ names must be written in white and ink, and cannot be used indiscriminately. Those who have no style of teaching, whose father is orphaned, call his maternal grandparents the same as his grandparents, which makes people dislike hearing it. Although they are similar in appearance, they should all be distinguished by external names. The uncles of parents should be distinguished by their second place. The aunts of parents should be distinguished by their surnames. The group of parents should be distinguished by their surnames, uncles, parents and descendants. Grandparents should be distinguished by their title or surname. Scholars in Hebei Province all call their maternal grandparents as their father-in-law and mother-in-law; the same is true in the fields in the south of the Yangtze River. Taking family as a representative is beyond my knowledge.
In all clans, some are descended from their fathers, some are descended from their ancestors, and some are descended from their clan ancestors. It has been a custom in the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times that those with high rank are called "respected" by common names, and those with the same Zhaomu are still called brothers even if they live for a hundred years; if they are addressed to others, they are all members of the Yun tribe. Scholars from Hebei, even though they were thirty or twenty generations old, still called him Cong Bo and Cong Shu. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty asked a native of the Central Plains: "People from the north of Qing Dynasty, why don't they know that they have a clan?" The answer was: "The flesh and bones are easily separated, and I can't bear to talk about my clan." ?Although he was sensitive at that time, he was not familiar with etiquette.
I asked Zhou Hongrang: "How can we call our parents Chinese and foreign sisters?" Zhou said: "We are also called father-in-law." ?Since ancient times, we have never seen the title of father-in-law applied to a woman. If my relatives are related, if my father belongs to me, I will be my aunt with a certain surname; if my mother belongs to me, I will be aunt with a certain surname. The wives of Chinese and foreign father-in-laws are called mother-in-law in the vulgar world, and the scholar-bureaucrats call them the queen mother or the mother-in-law. And there is a "Letter to Changsha Gu's Mother" in "Lu Ji Ji", which was written by her aunt, but it cannot be done now.
The scholars of the Qi Dynasty all called their ancestors Pu She as their ancestors, and they did not suspect that they were involved, but there were those who were opposite to play with each other.
In ancient times, the name should be in the correct form, and the character should express virtue. The last name should be taboo, and the character could be Sun. The disciples of Confucius who recorded events were all called Zhongni; when Empress Lu was young, she was given the nickname Gaozu as Ji; in the Han Dynasty, Yuan Zhong was given the nickname of her uncle, Si; Wang Dan and Hou Bazi spoke with the nickname Ba as Junfang; Jiangnan is not tabooed to this day. Scholars in Hebei Province didn't know it at all. They called the names as characters and the characters as characters. The two brothers, Wang Yuanjing and Wang Yuanjing, both of whom were ministers, were both named celebrities. Their father's name was Yun and his courtesy name was Luohan.
"Li Xianzhuan" says: "Zhan Fu's cry will not go back if he goes away; Qi Fu's cry will go back if he goes away; great merit will cry with three songs and mournful; small merit will make you feel numb." , The look of sadness can also be expressed, and the sadness comes from the voice. "The Classic of Filial Piety" says: "Cry but not mourn." ?There is a sound of seriousness and quality when it comes to crying. According to etiquette, one who cries with words is called a person; however, crying also has words. When mourners cry in the south of the Yangtze River, there are often words of lament; when there is a heavy mourning in Shandong, they just cry out to the sky; when they are under the age of merit, they just cry out because of the deep pain, which is howling but not crying.
Anyone in the south of the Yangtze River who suffers heavy mourning, and knows someone who is in the same city, will not be mourned for three days. If there is a reason and the road is far away, it is okay to write a letter; it is the same if there is no book. Northern customs are different. Anyone who hangs in the south of the Yangtze River will not hold his hand if he does not know the master other than the master; if he wears light clothes but does not know the master, he will not hang in the meeting hall, but he will cultivate his reputation in the future.