1. Let go of your baggage and move on easily.
Grass is not depressed because it is small; Baiyun does not bother to be a foil; Water drops will not be sad because they are small. They all know how to put down their burdens and move on easily.
Both Confucius' comfort to students and Cui Yongyuan's practice are worth learning, because they know how to let others put down the burden of gratitude and make people laugh more and relax more on the road of life, which is a realm.
Let go of the burden and make life more valuable. A person always bears a heavy burden and is bound to be exhausted, so he must put it down. Li Baice is a fine horse, galloping on the ancient road leading to official career. However, the darkness of officialdom and the reality of intrigue cooled his enthusiasm, and his ugly poisoning in Gao Lishi was not only despicable; Read sinister from Yang Guifei's smile; I read groggy in Don's eyes. He is sober and would rather spend all his money than get drunk than be a royal scholar. Therefore, he put down the ideal of "securing the world and helping the world", put down the burden of unsuccessful career and handed himself over to nature. Wine into luxury intestines, divided into three months, the other seven into firm but gentle. Embroidered mouth spit, it is half a prosperous Tang dynasty. He and his friends share the eternal troubles of nature. Left the most beautiful aura in history. It is Li Bai who dares to lay down his burden. There is an immortal poet in history.
Let go of the burden and make life more exciting. Who can imagine that a girl with polio can overcome all difficulties and now stand on the highest podium to enjoy the glory of the king? Ruhr Madoff did it. He put down the burden of physical disability and faced the challenges in life with a confident smile. Although there are too many bumps and thorns on the road to success, she has been strong all the way and finally reached the other side of success. She used success to show the world: let go of physical and psychological burdens and move towards success easily.
Let go of the burden and make life fruitful. Going forward with a burden will inevitably affect our success in life, and one should be brave enough to let go of the burden. Li Guilin and Liu Jianfen moved China with their ordinary and simple behaviors. In the Yi village on the precipice of the northern valley of Liangshan, Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen put down the burden of loneliness and hardship, lit the torch of knowledge on the most rugged mountain road, raised the children's little hands to study on the loneliest cliff, nourished their hearts with their own knowledge, and finally settled into fertile soil for knowledge. 19 poverty, 19 persistence and efforts, they propped up a blue sky of education in remote mountainous areas with solid actions and let hope sprout. If they don't put down the burden of poverty and lack the spirit of persistence, then their life will lose that heavy achievement. Life needs to let go of the burden. Only in this way can the weight of life be heavier.
In the journey of life, we will always encounter many difficulties and setbacks, which may become a burden in our hearts. Don't forget, learn to let go of the burden and lighten the burden of life. Just as Confucius comforted students, everything goes with the flow, so that the cup of green tea in life will be more mellow and pleasant in a relaxed atmosphere.
Let's put down our burdens and move forward easily.
A brief comment on the example:
This is a live composition in the examination room. The article adopts three sub-arguments and selects three groups of characters to form the article. The article adopts a horizontal argumentative structure, and the level of the article is clear. There are typically three groups of characters. Li Bai put down the burden of "protecting the world and helping the world" and made a generation of literary giants; Ruhr Madoff put down his physical and psychological burdens and finally boarded the other side of success; Li Guilin and Liu Jianfen laid down the burden of public opinion and gained heavy fruits. The three sub-arguments better demonstrate the general argument of "putting down the burden and moving forward easily". However, the disadvantage of the composition is that after the argument is put forward, there is no self-evaluation, and it is directly demonstrated by examples, which makes the content of the article too thin. In addition, some examples are simple and straightforward, without their own critical language, which also makes the article lack of richness. In addition, the article also has some areas that need to be improved in other aspects. You can refer to the side batch in the text for modification.