Old people, I am old, and others are old; young people, I am young, and people are young
In life, do things with etiquette; in death, bury people with etiquette, and offer sacrifices with etiquette.
Parents are the only worry about their illness
If parents are around, if you don’t travel far away, you will have a good way to travel
There is nothing more important to a filial son than to respect his relatives; , there is nothing greater than nourishing the world
The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop; the son wants to be raised but his relatives do not treat him
Filial piety is the foundation of benevolence! Speech is the foundation of benevolence, but it is not the foundation of benevolence
A gentleman's words of filial piety are nothing more than respect; a gentleman's words of respect are nothing more than filial piety.
Don't dare to forget your parents with a single move, don't dare to forget your parents with a single word
Don't dare to damage your body, hair, and skin if you receive them from your parents. This is the beginning of filial piety
Be famous in future generations to show off your parents. The end of filial piety
Filial piety comes first