Gan Long accused Shang Yang of saying, "The present system was handed down by our ancestors. Officials are comfortable with it and ordinary people are used to it, so it cannot be changed! If officials are not familiar with it, it will be chaotic! The new law is nonsense and fallacy, and the old law cannot be changed! "
Shang Yang rightfully retorted, "What Gan Long said is a common saying, and it is not worthy to express his opinions here at all. Since ancient times, there has been no fixed etiquette. In Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, etiquette and law were different, but they all ruled the world; The five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period, each with its own way, all dominated for a while. You want to learn the ancient method. Which ancient method do you want to learn? Whether it is Xia, Shang, or the five tyrants, it is an ancient law! Only those who have the ability to reform the old system can useless stupid pigs be led by the old system. "
Gan Long was in a hurry and said, "No, no! It is not easy for a saint to teach by the people, and a wise man can rule without changing the law. "
Shang Yang immediately replied, "If people in the Xia Dynasty still use ancient trees to build their nests, they will be laughed at by Dayu;" Similarly, in today's World Bank, He Tang will also be laughed at by the world. Stupid, stupid! "
In fact, Gan Long's opposition to political reform is not just an old brain, but because the reform will harm the interests of his extended family. Sitting in a dangerous position, Qin Xiaogong heard that the quarrel between them was almost over, so he unequivocally supported Shang Yang and said, "Wei Yang said it very well! Very in my heart. Now that the state of Qin is declining, we must change our old ways. From today, he will carry out political reforms as usual, so please don't take any chances. " The road to political reform was thus settled.