Tian Tao's non-Taoism, in the sky, lasted for three or five years, cherishing the past, and was unparalleled in greatness. Kong Quxi is an enterprise and pays attention to good knowledge. He will take the husband's way, know the big and be effective, and the Tao will be the first. In the past, Tao was famous, and heaven was not sacred. As an angel, he is good at knowing people and being good at his duties, and his rule is great and his way is ancient. Jiang Tian makes good use of it, I know that the people are brave, the people are the sky, the heaven is small, and morality is the next.
There are many essences and wisdom in Tao Te Ching, which can be used to guide our life. Some people say that "half of the Analects of Confucius governs the world", but in vain, "a quarter of the Tao Te Ching can govern the world". Therefore, if you want to increase your wisdom, no matter how busy you are, you should take time to read Laozi's Tao Te Ching.
The Tao Te Ching consists of 8 1 chapters, which has profound implications. Many people have no patience to read it or can't understand it. In fact, to understand the Tao Te Ching, it is enough to understand these three formulas. Because the essence of Laozi's Tao Te Ching is concentrated in these three formulas!
Jingsheng Road1;
Taoism said: "Lingtai is quiet, static can produce stability, and intelligent life." Buddhists say that "quietness gives birth to wisdom and wisdom gives birth to wisdom". Confucianism also believes that "quietness makes wisdom." In a word, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism all think that "quietness makes wisdom", "quietness makes enlightenment" and "quietness leads the right way".
Only when people calm down can they learn to understand many truths and deeply understand the mysteries of nature. Lao Tzu said in the sixteenth chapter of Tao Te Ching: "Be empty and extreme; Keep quiet. Everything is United, I see the reduction ",which means trying our best to make the inner emptiness reach the extreme and make life quiet." "All things prosper together, so I examine the reasons for its reciprocating.
2. Modesty leads to virtue;
"indisputable" appeared eight times in Laozi, distributed in seven chapters, of which the eighth chapter appeared twice. Why Lao Tzu values the view of "indisputable" is because he wants to warn everyone to be modest. Heaven is an indisputable victory; Men's way, the husband is only indisputable, so the world can't compete with it.
Laozi said in the eighth chapter of Tao Te Ching: "If goodness is like water, everything is water without dispute." He believes that the person with the best moral character, like water, is good at nourishing all things without contending with them, staying in a place that everyone doesn't like, so he is closest to the Tao. People should also follow the example of water's modest moral character, be modest and low-key, and in the end, their blessings and moral character will be deeper. As the saying goes, "low water makes the sea, and people are inferior"!
3. make a fortune;
The blessings of life are mutually transformed. Happiness exists in danger, and misfortune depends on it. Good things can turn into bad things, and bad things can also turn into good things. Everything in nature follows the law of "extremes meet". If you are complacent, you can easily lead to disaster. If you are extravagant, you will let your blessings slip away.
Therefore, Lao Tzu said in Chapter 67 of the Tao Te Ching: "I have three treasures, and I want to protect them. One is kindness, the other is thrift, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world. " The second treasure mentioned in it is "frugality", which can not only be "frugality to cultivate morality", but also "frugality to make fun", because virtue, diligence and thrift, open source and frugality can make more and more blessings.
To be a man, we should know how to find shortcomings and cherish blessings. "The flowers are not in full bloom and the moon is not round" is the best realm and the most sensible way to live. It is better to persist than to have it. If you are sharp, you can't keep it for long. Happiness from now on, can't stay. Blessings are inexhaustible, and there is more room for everything, so as to avoid God's jealousy and finally save more blessings.