Tian Zifang was a student of Zigong, a disciple of Confucius. He was famous among the princes for his moral knowledge. Marquis Wen of Wei hired him as his teacher because of his reputation. He was very respectful, but Tian Zifang still looked like a famous scholar. One time, the prince entered the palace to meet Marquis Wei Wen. When all the ministers saw the prince coming to the palace, they all stood up to salute, but Tian Zifang sat proudly. Wei Wenhou was a little displeased when he saw this. He saw Tian Zifang and blamed Tian Zifang for being rude. Tian Zifang said: "In the past, King Gong of Chu paid tribute to famous people all over the world. He always had a stereotype: 'He who respects his father does not respect his son.' If he insists that his disciples also respect his young master with the courtesy of a master, it will definitely deter talented people. Wouldn't such a move be detrimental to the state of Wei?" His words convinced everyone, and Marquis Wen of Wei also turned from anger to joy.
One day, Marquis Wen of Wei and Tian Zifang were drinking and enjoying music together. Marquis Wen said to Tian Zifang: "Sir, the bell seems to be out of tune today. The treble part is too high. What do you think, sir?" Tian Zifang laughed. Without answering, Wei Wenhou was puzzled and asked: "Why are you laughing, sir? Is it wrong?" Tian Zifang bowed his head and said: "I heard that a monarch is devoted to distinguishing officials and not paying attention to distinguishing pronunciation. Today My lord is interested in distinguishing the pronunciation, but I am worried that it will weaken the understanding of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty." Wei Wenhou was in awe, and Prime Minister Xie said, "Sir, that's right!" After some time, the prince who was guarding Zhongshan returned to report his duties. When he met Tian Zifang in Chaoge, because his father respected Tian Zifang very much, the prince also stepped aside and got out of the car to salute Tian Zifang. Tian Zifang rode in the car and passed by proudly without answering the courtesy. After all, Zijing was the prince, and he was very angry about this. He thought to himself: No matter how noble Tian Zifang is, you are just a retainer, how can you be so rude? Thinking of this, he loudly said: "Is it the rich who have the right to be arrogant and look down on others, or the poor and lowly?" Are you qualified to be arrogant and look down on others?" The implication is: You, Tian Zifang, are just a poor person.
In fact, Tian Yufang had good intentions for neglecting the prince several times: Wei Wenhou Li Xian, a corporal, obeyed his words, and he had already vowed to do his best for the prosperity of Wei. However, he could see clearly that although the Wei State was now stable, it was surrounded by crises. To the east was the powerful Qi State, to the north was the brave Zhao State, to the south were South Korea and Chu who were unwilling to be lonely, and to the west was the eyeing Qin State. As long as there is a slight disturbance in the country, the surrounding enemy countries will immediately attack Wei. If the Wei State wants to survive and develop, it can only be united as one and work hard to govern. Now Wei Wenhou is wise and trustworthy, the officials and the people are loyal, and the other countries are frightened. Once Wenhou gives up, can this situation be preserved? For this reason, we constantly examine the prince's character. , exercise his virtue. Tian Zifang glanced at the blushing prince and replied slowly: "The only people who are truly qualified to be arrogant and look down on others are the poor and humble. How dare the rich and noble treat others arrogantly?" This answer surprised the prince, and he couldn't help but ask. Making his eyes widen. Tian Zifang continued: "If the king of a country treats others arrogantly, he will lose the hearts of the people, and the country will definitely be in danger; if the officials treat others arrogantly, they will lose support, cause chaos among the retainers, and lead to the destruction of the ancestral property. There are many examples in this regard." On the other hand, the poor and the lowly are homeless, wandering all over the world, their words are of no use, and their situation is not to their liking, so they can just walk away, just like taking off their shoes. Are they still afraid of losing their wealth?"
The prince listened. After saying these words, he was suddenly enlightened. Many of the political principles his father had taught him before suddenly became clear to him. He respectfully bowed to Tian Zifang three times and then left. Tian Zifang's special education method for the prince really paid off.