This so-called gentleman's week is not better than the villain, which means that the gentleman will unite with the people around him, but he will not compare with each other, while the villain will compare with each other, but he can't achieve real unity. Week is unity, and comparison is comparison. I think this sentence is very reasonable.
Even now, we should unite with people around us and make friends with them, but we should not compare with each other, because comparison is meaningless. In addition to making you hypocritical and sexy, if it is not enough, it will also bring you a bad sense of inferiority, which will not help you much.
It is very beneficial to make friends with them, unite them and turn everyone into a group, whether it is doing things or other aspects. The villain's words are that he will be willing to compare with others, which in itself is a bad psychological state. So we should learn, gentlemen should not be villains.
There are many famous aphorisms like this in China. They educated and inspired many people in different historical dynasties. I believe that with the passage of time, they will be handed down from generation to generation.