When a man dies, the water goes down and the beast goes away. Therefore, for those who drive fish, otters are also; For those who drive out the princes, they are also embarrassed; It was Jie Li and Zhou who expelled the people. Today, if the monarch has a kind man, the princes will drive him away. Although you want to have no king, you can't have it.
I want to be king today, and I want to be loved for three years after seven years of illness. If you are not an animal, you can't live for a living. If you don't aspire to benevolence, you will be worried and humiliated for life, and even die. The poem says,' Why not be beautiful?' This is also called. "
Mencius said: "Jie and Zhou lost the world because they lost the people;" You lose people because you lose people's hearts. There is a saying in the world: win the hearts of the people and win the world; If the people can win the hearts of the people, they will get the people; There is a way to win people's hearts: give them what they want and give them what they hate, that's all.
Water flows downwards, and wild animals rush to the wilderness, so people turn to benevolence. Therefore, it is the otter who comes to fish deep water; It's kites flying to birds and trees; It was Xia Jie and Shang Zhou who came to see King Tang and King Wu. If the monarch in the world loves benevolence now, then the princes will bring the people here for him. Even if he doesn't want to rule the world, it's impossible.
People who want to rule the world now are like looking for treatment from Ai Lai after being ill for seven years. If you don't accumulate at ordinary times, you won't get it for life. If you don't aspire to benevolence, you will be sad and humiliated for life. Till death do us part The Book of Songs says,' How can we do things well? Only one person drowned. That's the truth.