The country does not follow the interests, but follows the righteousness.
Gentleman's righteousness is quality, courtesy is action, sun is action, and faith is success. Gentleman!
Confucius said, "One scoop of food and one scoop of drink, in a mean alley, people are worried if they can't bear it, and they won't change their fun when they go back. Going back is a good idea! "
Confucius said, "Eating vegetables and drinking water, bending your arms and resting on them, is also fun. Injustice and wealth are like floating clouds to me.
The world is bustling and mercenary; All the noise in the world is for profit.
Modest, indisputable, and defensive as the attack.
Heaven is beneficial but not harmful; A man's way, fight for it.
Yin and yang family: unfamiliar ~