Madeleine de Scudelier: Love is a fickle creature, it longs for everything but is dissatisfied with almost everything.
Spinoza: Those who complain loudest about the abuse of honor and the vanity of the world are those who most desire it.
Stern: The desire for knowledge is like the pursuit of wealth. The more you pursue it, the stronger the desire.
Mallett: How many pessimists have died because they longed for what they feared to happen, in order to prove themselves right.
Coleridge: The desire to be praised and admired is a loveless passion which manifests itself most strongly in the presence of those who least understand and care least about us.
Syrus: Poverty needs much, but greed desires everything.
Horace: How little is that which depresses or exalts a man by the desire for praise!
Europe: He longs to spread his wings and fly, but lacks plump feathers.
Amiel: The value of faith is probably greater than the value of truth! Truth is not sentimental, but faith has a motherly heart. Science is indifferent to our desires, but faith comforts us.
Europe: The people who like to praise others excessively are those who are eager to hear others praise themselves.