First of all, Queen Hu was born in a very good family at that time. As Hu grows older, she becomes more and more beautiful. Later, she married Gao Zhan, the then King of Northern Qi, and became a princess. In the seventh year of Tianbao, Gao Wei was born, and Gao Zhan became the emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty. As the saying goes, not a family, not into a house, the Northern Qi Emperor Gao Zhan raped his sister-in-law Li Zue, often staying in Zhao Xin Palace, and Hu Huanghou himself was in the palace, unwilling to be lonely, lewd and took a look at Gao Zhan's cronies for peace. This gentleman has red lips and white teeth, elegant and elegant, and plays the pipa well. When Gao Zhan found out, he not only didn't blame him, but also planned to help them.
Later, Gao Zhan gave the position of emperor to his son Gao Wei as the emperor's father. Unfortunately, it was not long before Gao Zhan died in too much sex. At this time, Hu became the former empress dowager and made it public directly. Because Gao Wei was afraid, Hu was even more presumptuous. He Shikai was executed under the stratagem of Wang Gaoyan of Langya. Hu Taihou saw that he had no lover, so he went to the temple to burn incense and hooked up with Tan Xian, a monk in the temple. Not only that, Hu Taihou also let Tan Xian pretend to be a nun and enter the harem to indulge with Hu Taihou. Later, Gao Wei found Tan Xian and was executed.
Finally, the Northern Qi Dynasty perished, and Hu Taihou lived among the people. At this time, Hu Taihou was only in his forties, and his charm still existed. Hu Taihou took Gao Wei's wife, the young Queen Mu, and publicly engaged in prostitution in the downtown area of Chang 'an, the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Everyone heard that prostitutes in Chang 'an were the original Empress Dowager and Empress, so they naturally went to see their craftsmanship. Hu Taihou even said that it is better to be a prostitute than a prostitute. Why did Hu Taihou become like this? The main reason is the neglect of him, which makes Hu a lonely person. Perhaps out of revenge, he began to look for a face and had sex with that gentleman. After Gao Wei succeeded to the throne, he did more than his father did, which made Hu hate himself for marrying a dissolute and shameless person. So was his son, who chose to indulge in disappointment.
Later, when the Northern Qi Dynasty was destroyed, the new dynasty killed all the men in the Gaos family and left the women to fend for themselves. Hu comes from a noble family and has no skills. As a weak woman, in order to survive in troubled times, she can only make a living by color. To say that being a prostitute is not as good as being a prostitute is to give yourself a reason to fall and find inner peace by selling your body. After all, women are in troubled times and can only do so in order to survive.