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Translation of "What the mouth can say, the body can do"

Xunzi·Twenty-seventh summary


A monarch is a king who respects the virtuous and virtuous with long rituals, respects the law and loves the people and is hegemonic, loves profits but is deceitful and is dangerous.

If you want to be close to the four sides, there is nothing better than the center. Therefore, the king must live in the world, and this is the etiquette.

The emperor has an outer screen, and the princes have an inner screen, which is also the etiquette. The outer screen means you don’t want to see the outside; the inner screen means you don’t want to see the inside.

When the princes summon their ministers, the ministers do not wait to drive, but turn their clothes upside down and walk away. This is the etiquette. "Poetry" says: "If you turn someone upside down, call him from the public." The emperor summons the princes, and the princes' chariots and horses mount their horses. This is etiquette. "Poetry" says: "I came out from my father's house to pastor there. From where the emperor came, he said that I have come."

The crown of the emperor's mountain, the crown of the princes, the crown of the doctor, the Wei Bian of the scholar, etiquette also. The emperor wears the hut, the princes wear the hut, and the officials wear the hut, which is etiquette. The emperor's bow is carved, the princes' bows are red, and the officials' bows are black. This is also etiquette. When the princes meet, the minister will be the intermediary, and his priests will do their best to make the benevolent people stay and guard.

Hire people with 珪, inquire with people with walls, recruit people with 瑗, reject people with 禹, and reject people with rings.

The master has a benevolent heart, knows how to serve, and is courteous to him. Therefore, the king should be benevolent first and then be courteous, which is what God has given him.

The "Betrothal Gift" annals say: "Thick coins will harm morality, and extravagance of wealth will waste gifts." Ritual clouds and ritual clouds, jade and silk clouds? "Poetry" says: "Things are pointed out, but they are together." If it is not appropriate, it is disrespectful to make friends, and it is not joyful, even if it is pointed, it is not polite.

Those who walk on water show depth and keep people safe; those who govern the people show chaos and keep people safe. Etiquette is a form of expression. The kings in the past used etiquette to express the chaos in the world. Today, those who have abolished etiquette are a form of expression. Therefore, the people were confused and fell into trouble, which is why the punishment was so complicated.

Shun said: "Gui Yu follows desires and governs." Therefore, the birth of ritual is for the sage and the common people. It is not for the purpose of becoming a saint, but it is also the reason for becoming a saint. You can't succeed without learning. Yao learned from Junchou, Shun learned from Wuchengzhao, and Yu learned from the Western Kingdom.

There is no mourning at fifty, but only decline at seventy.

The ceremony of welcoming oneself: the father stands in the south of the country, and the son kneels to the north, and gives him the order: "Go to welcome your prime minister, and it will be my family's duty. I will honor my ancestor's heirs. If there is "Often." Confucius said: "I'm afraid I can't do it, but I dare to forget my fate!" In terms of etiquette, the noble should be respectful, the old should be filial, the elder should be younger, the young should be kind, and the humble should be benevolent.

Giving them palaces is a way of celebrating and rewarding the country; being angry with their ministers and concubines is a way of punishing all the people.

A gentleman should love his children without respecting them, lead them without respecting their appearance, guide them with the way but without force.

Etiquette is based on conforming to people's hearts, so anything that follows the "Book of Rites" and conforms to people's hearts is all rites.

The rules of etiquette are as follows: in life, they are decorated with joy; in death, they are decorated with mourning; in military affairs, they are decorated with majesty.

Kiss, sorority, mediocrity, and labor are the killings of benevolence. Noble, honorable, virtuous, old, and long are the ethics of righteousness. Conducting one's actions with proper etiquette is the order of etiquette. Benevolence, love, so dear. Righteousness, reason, and action. Etiquette means festival, so it is accomplished. Benevolence has its inside and righteousness has its door. Benevolence is not inside but empty, which is not benevolence. Righteousness is not its door but comes from it, which is not righteousness. To extend kindness without understanding it is not benevolence; to respond to kindness without daring to do so is not righteousness; to judge integrity without knowing it is not a courtesy; to be harmonious but not to express it is not happiness. Therefore, it is said: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and music are all unified. A gentleman's benevolence begins with righteousness, and then benevolence; when practicing righteousness, he begins with propriety, and then righteousness; when making etiquette, he turns the beginning into the end, and then follows with propriety. All three are connected, and then there is the Tao.

Customer wealth is called "Zhu", horses and horses are called "Zhu", clothes are called "Xi", good play is called "gifts", and jade shells are called "唅". He is the one who assists students. If you give me a gift, you will die. Sending someone to death is not as good as a coffin, and hanging oneself is not as sad and disrespectful. Therefore, it is a great gift to travel for fifty years and travel hundreds of miles to mourn.

Etiquette is the support of politics. If there is no propriety in government, the government will not be effective.

When the emperor came to the throne, the emperor came to the throne and said: "How can you worry so much! If you can get rid of trouble, you are a blessing; if you can't, you are a thief." Give the emperor a strategy. Zhongqing Jin said: "Those who are in harmony with the sky and have descended from the earth should think about things first, and worry about troubles first. Thinking about things first is called taking over, and taking over will make things successful. Worrying about troubles first is called hesitation, and hesitation means there will be no disaster. Health. Those who worry about things later are called troubles. Those who worry about troubles later are called troubles. "Two strategies are given to the emperor." Xia Qing came in and said: "Respect and precepts are not neglected. Those who celebrate are in the hall, and those who mourn are in the Lu. No one knows the door of disaster and blessing for neighbors. Yu Zai! Yu Zai! All the people look forward to it." Give the emperor three strategies.

Yu saw that the cultivators were standing together, and when they passed a city with ten houses, they would surely come down.

It is not polite to kill big fleas in the morning or late at night. If you do not govern the people with courtesy, you will be in trouble.

When it is balanced, it is called worship, when it reaches the level, it is called Jishou, and when it reaches the ground, it is called Jishou.

If a minister of a high official does not pay homage to his head, it is not respecting his retainers. Therefore, it is also necessary to set up a king.

One life is for the teeth in the village; the other is for the clan; the third life is for the clan members, even though they are seventy, they dare not go first. The upper doctor, the middle doctor, the lower doctor.

Auspicious things are honorable, and funerals are honorable to relatives.

Monarchs and ministers must respect each other, fathers and sons must kiss each other, brothers must obey, and couples must not be happy. The young should be grown up, and the old should be nourished. Therefore, heaven and earth give birth to it, and saints make it come true.

To hire means to ask. Enjoy and offer. A private confrontation, a private meeting. The beauty of words, Mu Mu Huanghuang. The beauty of the imperial court is full of weapons.

Those who are ministers to others will remonstrate but not criticize, die but not suffer from illness, and have resentment but not anger.

When you are a doctor, you ask about your illness three times and visit your funeral three times; when you are a scholar, you ask about it once and visit it three times. The princes do not visit the minister's home unless they are asking for illness or condolences.

Now that you are buried, you are like a friend of your father. If you eat, you will eat. If you don’t have rice and meat, if you have wine, you will say goodbye.

It is etiquette not to sleep more than the temple, and to dress no more than the sacrificial clothes.

In "Xian" of "Yi", see the couple. The relationship between husband and wife must not be improper, as it is the foundation of a monarch, his ministers, his father and his son. Xian means sense, with high and low, male and female, soft at the top and hard at the bottom.

The meaning of hiring people and the way to welcome them personally are starting over.

Etiquette is what people should do. If you lose what you are walking on, you will fall into trouble. If you lose something small, it will be a big mess. This is etiquette.

Etiquette is to an upright country what weighing is to weight, and what rope ink is to right and wrong. Old friends will not be born if they are rude, things will not be successful if they are rude, and the country will not be peaceful if it is rude. The sound of harmony is in "Wu" and "Xiang" in the step, and in "Shao" and "Hu" in the trend. A gentleman listens to the rules and practices and becomes a scholar.

The frost descends upon the girl, and the ice kills her. One emperor in ten days.

Sit down and look at your knees, stand up and look at your feet, and look at your face when dealing with words. Standing up and looking at the first six feet, it is as big as six six thirty-six, three feet and six feet.

Literature, appearance, affection and practicality are related to the inside and outside, and the etiquette is within. Being able to think is called being able to consider.

Rituals are consistent from beginning to end and end to end.

Rituals are based on property, wealth as a document, and quantity as a distinction.

The lower ministers serve the emperor with goods, the middle ministers serve the emperor with his body, and the superior ministers serve the emperor with people.

"Yi" said: "Recovering one's own way, what's the blame?" "Spring and Autumn" Xian Mu Gong thought that he could change.

If a scholar has jealous friends, then virtuous people will not be friends; if a king has jealous ministers, then virtuous people will not come to him. Those who cover up public affairs are called ignorance, those who conceal good intentions are called jealousy, and those who serve jealousy are called treachery. Having treacherous people and jealous ministers is the filth of the country.

If the mouth can speak and the body can act, it is a national treasure. The mouth cannot speak, but the body can act. This is a national weapon. If the mouth can speak, but the body cannot act, it is only for the use of the country. He who speaks good words but does evil deeds is a national monster. Those who govern a country respect its treasures, love its utensils, allow them to be used, and get rid of their demons.

If you don’t have wealth, you can’t nourish people’s sentiments, and if you don’t educate, you can’t manage people’s nature. My old family has a five-acre house and a hundred acres of farmland. I work on my business without taking away my time, so I am rich. A university should have a preface, practice the six rites, and explain the ten teachings, which is why it is a Tao. "Poetry" says: "Drink what you eat, teach what you teach." The king's affairs are complete.

When King Wu first entered the Yin Dynasty, he visited Shang Rong's residence, released Jizi's prisoner, and cried at Bigan's tomb. The whole country was in good condition.

In the world, there are handsome men in the country and wise men in the world. Those who are lost do not ask for directions, those who are drowned do not ask for directions, and those who are dead like to be alone. "Poetry" says: "My words are of service, and should not be used as a joke. The ancestors had something to say, and asked about it." Yan Bo asked.

Those who have the law should follow the law, and those who cannot follow the law should follow the law. They should know the end by their own nature, and know the right by their left. They should adhere to the same principles in all things.

Rewards and punishments should be treated according to the general categories. The political and religious customs should go hand in hand.

A person who is eighty-year-old will have nothing to do with his son, a person who is ninety-year-old will have nothing to do with his whole family, and a person who is disabled and ill will have nothing to do if he cannot support himself. The death of parents will be nothing for three years; the decline of Qi's great achievements will be nothing for three months; the arrival of new princes from the princes will be faint, and nothing will happen during the period.

Zi said that Zi Jiaju Xuran, an official, was not as good as Yan Zi; Yan Zi was a functional minister, not as good as Zi Chan; Zi Chan was a person who benefited others, not as good as Guan Zhong; Those who know how to be benevolent are like barbarians and cannot be officials of the emperor.

Mencius said nothing when he saw King Xuan three times. A disciple asked: "Why did He meet the King of Qi three times without saying anything?" Mencius said: "I will attack his evil heart first."

Gong Xingzi's Yan met Zeng Yuan on the road and said: "Yan What's wrong with you?" Zeng Yuan said: "Those with low ambitions will take things lightly, and those who take things lightly will not ask for help. How can you help the captives of Di and Qiang? Ye. It harms the country, but if you do it, you know how to do it! "

Those who have lost their admonitions today will not get it all day long; they will not get it because of their eyesight. It's what you see with your eyes, and it's the same with your mind.

Righteousness and benefit are two things that people have. Although Yao and Shun could not eliminate the people's desire for benefit, they could make their desire for benefit not overpower their love of righteousness. Although Jie and Zhou could not take away the people's love for righteousness, they could make their love for righteousness outweigh their desire for profit. Therefore, those who conquer righteousness will rule the world, and those who defeat righteousness will lead to troubled times. If you attach great importance to righteousness, you will gain righteousness; if you attach great importance to benefit, you will gain righteousness. Therefore, the emperor does not talk about how much, the princes do not talk about interests, the officials do not talk about gains and losses, and the scholars do not talk about money and wealth; the king of a country does not rest on cattle and sheep, the ministers of wrong quality do not rest on chickens and dolphins, the ministers of the tombs do not repair coins, and the officials do not pay attention to the scene. Garden; from the rank of scholar to above, all are ashamed of profit and do not compete with the people for their fortunes; they are happy to give to others but are ashamed to accumulate vengeance. However, the people are not in need of money, and those who are poor will find ways to use it.

King Wen executed four, King Wu executed two, and the Duke of Zhou was over. By the time Cheng and Kang were over, the case had not been executed.

To accumulate a lot of wealth but feel shameful and have nothing, to attach great importance to the people but not punish them. This is the reason for this evil behavior and the reason why there are so many punishments.

If the emperor likes to be ashamed, the people will conceal it; if the emperor likes to be rich, the people will die and profit. The two are the thoroughfares to control chaos. The folk saying goes: "Do you want to be rich? You have to endure shame, abandon yourself, abandon the past, and betray your righteousness." If you love wealth, then the people will behave like this, and they will not be in trouble!

When Tang was dry, he prayed: "The government is not disciplined? It makes the people sick? Why does it not rain to the extreme? The palace is prosperous? The women pay homage to it? Why does it not rain to the extreme?" Ju Xingyu? Why does the slanderous husband Xingyu not rain so much? ”

Heaven’s people are not kings. Heaven establishes a king for the people. Therefore, in ancient times, the purpose of establishing a country by arranging territories was not just to honor the princes; it was not just to respect the great officials when assigning official positions and conferring titles and salaries.

The master knows people, and the ministers know things. Therefore, when Shun ruled the world, he did not issue decrees to achieve all things. A farmer who is skilled in the fields cannot be a field master, and the same is true for workers.

It is easy to be virtuous and unfaithful, and you will know the good fortune without waiting for divination. Conquer chaos by controlling it, and defeat it later without waiting for a battle.

The people of Qi wanted to attack Lu, but they were afraid of Bian Zhuangzi and did not dare to cross Bian. The Jin people wanted to attack the Wei, but they were afraid of Zi Road and did not dare to cross Pu.

If you don’t know, ask Yao and Shun; if you don’t know, ask for heaven. He said: The way of the former kings is the result of Yao and Shun; the mastery of Liu Er is the rule of Heaven.

The learning of a gentleman is like shedding, and the flag is transferred. Therefore, its action is effective, its standing effect is effective, and its sitting effect is effective. It sets the color and expresses the Qi effect. No good deeds are left behind, no questions are left behind.

A good scholar will do his best, but a good practitioner will find it difficult.

A gentleman is as determined as a poor man. Even if the emperor and the three princes ask questions, he will decide what is right and what is wrong.

A gentleman is narrow-minded but not lost, tired but not meticulous, faced with adversity but not forgetting the fine words. If the age is not cold, there is no way to know the pines and cypresses; if things are not difficult, there is no way to know that a gentleman is always there.

The rain is light, so the Han Dynasty is late. When the husband is done with the small, he will be great; when he accumulates the small, he will be strong; when he is virtuous, he will have a harmonious appearance; when he is done, his voice will be far away. The villain is not sincere from within but seeks it from the outside.

If you don’t know how to be a teacher when you teach, it’s twice as bad as if you don’t know how to be a teacher when you teach. People who are close to you are not wise enough to be wise, and the officials in the court will not talk to you when they encounter various obstacles.

It is not enough for practitioners to say it, and it is not enough for believers to say it sincerely. Therefore, "Spring and Autumn" is good at following orders, while "Poetry" is not about repeated alliances, but is of the same mind. Those who are good at "Poetry" will not say it, and those who are good at "Yi" will not take it. Those who are good at "rituals" are not related to each other, but they have the same mind.

Zengzi said: "The words of a filial son can be heard, and their actions can be seen. The words can be heard, so they are said to be far away; the actions can be seen, so they are said to be near. Those who are near will be close, and those who are far will be attached. To stay close and stay distant is the way of a filial son."

Zeng Zi traveled, and Yan Zi followed him in the suburbs. Said: "When I heard this, a gentleman gives words to others, and a common man gives money to others. I am poor and have no money. I ask for leave from the gentleman, and I give it to my son with words: Take a chariot wheel, and the trees of Taishan Mountain are also used to show the hidden trees. In March and May, the vegetables are dry and not contrary to their normal behavior. A gentleman should be careful about his secretion. The orchids and cypress trees gradually become sweet and sweet. Gained by slander. A gentleman must not be careless in his progress."

People are to literature what jade is to contemplation. "Poetry" says: "It is like cutting, like studying, like plowing, like grinding." It means learning. Hezhibi is the jade in the well. It is carved by jade people and becomes the treasure of the emperor. Zi Gan and Ji Lu, so I am, were educated in literature, obeyed etiquette and righteousness, and became scholars in the world.

To be tireless in learning and tireless in being a scholar is the Mansion of Heaven.

When a gentleman has doubts, he does not speak. If he does not ask, he does not stand. The road is getting farther and farther.

A gentleman will not like those who know a lot but have no relatives, who are knowledgeable but have no method, who have a lot but no definite ideas.

If you are young, you will not be sarcastic; if you are strong, you will not discuss it; although it is possible, it has not yet been accomplished.

A gentleman teaches one thing, and a disciple learns one thing. Success is achieved urgently.

If a gentleman advances, he will benefit from the reputation above and suffer from the worries below. If you cannot live in it, it is a false accusation; if it is useless but you accept it well, it is stealing. A scholar does not have to be an official, but an official must be a scholar.

Zigong asked Confucius: "I am tired of learning, and I hope that I can stop serving you." Confucius said: ""Poetry" says: 'Be gentle and courteous day and night, and be responsible for the deacon.' Serving the king is difficult, "How can I stop my service to you?" "Then I wish to stop my service to my relatives." Confucius said: "The poem says, "A filial son will never be in trouble. ’ It’s hard to be close, so how can we stop being close? "Then grant your wish to your wife." Confucius said: "The "Poetry" says: "Punishment on widows, as for brothers, in order to control the family and the country. 'How can a wife rest if she is in trouble? "Then grant your wishes to your friends." Confucius said: "The Poetry" says: "My friend You photographed me with dignity." ’ It’s hard to make friends, how can we stop having friends? "" Then I will give you a wish to stop farming. Confucius said: "The Poetry" says: "In the daytime, you are on the thatch, and in the evening, you are hanging on the silk curtains. If you are eager to take advantage of the house, you will be able to sow hundreds of grains." ’ It’s hard to plow, but there’s no way to stop plowing! "But what about those who are given no interest?" Confucius said: "Looking at it, it looks like it is Gao, it is like Gao, it is like it's top, and it is like Ge. This is how you know where to rest." Zigong said: "How great! You are dead!" A gentleman will rest, and a villain will rest. "

"Guo Feng" is also about lust, and it is said: "Satisfy your desires and don't stop them. Its sincerity can be compared to gold and stone, and its sound can be compared to the ancestral temple. ""Xiaoya" Don't be filthy, lead yourself to the bottom, care about the current politics, and think about the past. His words are literary and his voice is sad.

The country will be prosperous. If you value your master and respect your master, your country will decline. If you despise your master and despise your master, you will be happy. If you are quick, your teaching will be ruined.

< p>In ancient times, a man became a scholar when he was fifty, and when the princes and princes were nineteen, they were crowned, and their teachings were perfect.

A gentleman is a good person; Teaching is unlucky. If you are not a gentleman, you are not the person you are. If you teach someone who is not the person, you will steal food and borrow money from thieves.

Those who do not criticize their behavior are those who have made mistakes. I am a commoner and a poor man, I don’t have enough food to eat and my clothes are brown, but I don’t do it if I’m not polite and I don’t accept it if I’m just. How can I take this?

Zi Xia’s family is poor and his clothes are like a county. Quail. People said: "Why don't you become an official?" Said: "If the princes are arrogant to me, I will not be a minister; if the officials are arrogant to me, I will never see them again." Liu Xiahui was wearing the same clothes as the people from the back door without being suspicious. It didn't happen in a day. Fighting for profit is like a flea beetle and it loses its grip. ”

A ruler should not carelessly take his ministers, and a common man should not take carelessly his friends. Friends are there for each other. How can there be mutuality if the Tao is different? Apply fire evenly, and the fire will be dry. When the ground is filled with water, the water will be wet. This is also how people behave. When you look at people as friends, you should not be careless in choosing friendly people. This is the basis of virtue. The car is in the dust. "You can't get along with villains.

Lanju Lu's work seems to be knowing but not true.

Cowardly and easy to seize, it seems benevolent but not. Violent and aggressive, it looks like courage but not courage.

Benevolence, justice, etiquette and kindness are applied to people, just like goods and wealth are applied to the family. Those who have more will be rich, those who have less will be poor, and those who have none will be poor. Therefore, the big ones cannot do it, and the small ones don't do it. This is the way to abandon the country and sacrifice one's life.

Everything comes in by means of something, and the thing that takes advantage of it and comes out is its opposite.

Rumors will be extinguished and goods will be far away. This is where disaster comes from. Born from slenderness. That’s why a gentleman avoids fleas.

Those who believe in their words care about the area. If in doubt, don’t speak; if you don’t ask, don’t stand.

A knowledgeable person knows things clearly and knows how to count them. He cannot do anything dishonestly. Therefore, it is said: "It is difficult for a gentleman to explain, and he will not explain it if he does not follow the way."

The saying goes: "The flow of pills stops in a moment, and the rumors stop in the knowledgeable." The reason why this family talks about evil learning A bad Confucian. If there is no doubt about right and wrong, then check it with distant things, test it with nearby things, and consider it with a calm mind. Rumors will stop and evil words will die.

Zengzi had more than enough fish to eat, so he said: "Swilling it." A disciple said: "Swilling it hurts people, not as much as it hurts people." Zengzi burst into tears and said, "What a different intention!" It hurt him to hear it. Late too.

It is useless to use my shortcomings to meet other people's strengths, so I avoid my shortcomings and move to the official position. Being sparse in knowledge but not lawful, being discerning and discerning, being brave and fruitful but losing etiquette, this is what a gentleman hates.

To talk too much is like a saint. A gentleman is a gentleman who speaks the law with few words. It is useless to talk too much and flow freely. Even if you argue, you are a villain.

National law prohibits picking up relics, and evil people will get nothing. If there are husbands and righteousness, the world will be tolerated and governed; if there is no righteousness, one wife and one concubine will lead to chaos.

Everyone in the world has his own special purpose, but he is also given something. The person who explains the taste is given to Yi Ya, the person who explains the sound is given to Shi Kuang, and the person who explains the governance is given to the Three Kings. The three kings have established laws, formulated rituals and music and passed them on. If they don't use them, they change them and make their own. Why is it different from changing the rules of Yi Ya and changing the rules of Shi Kuang? Without the law of the three kings, the world does not wait for death, and the country does not wait for death.

He who drinks but does not eat is a cicada; someone who does not drink but does not eat is a floating fly. Yu and Shun were filial to oneself but did not love relatives; Bigan and Zixu were loyal but not used by the emperor; Zhongni and Yan Yuan knew but were poor in the world. If a calamity is close to tyrannizing a country and there is nothing to say about it, then we should praise its goodness, praise its beauty, talk about its strengths, and not criticize its shortcomings. The person who is only weak but dies is a slanderer; the person who is rich but poor is Zi Ye; the person who is clear but becomes turbid is the mouth. A gentleman can be valuable, but he cannot make others value him; he can be useful, but he cannot make others use him. The imperial oath is not as good as the five emperors, and the alliance curse is not as good as the three kings. The proton exchange is not as good as that of Wu Bo.

General idea

This article was written by a disciple of Xunzi. The content is complex and covers a wide range of topics, among which the content of etiquette is mostly discussed. Some contents cannot be read in other chapters, such as describing how a gentleman educates his children, etc. This is helpful for a comprehensive understanding of Xunzi's thoughts.