Interpretation of Confucius said: "Young children should be filial to their parents at home, love their brothers when they go out, be cautious when they do things, keep their word, care about the public extensively, and be kind to the people." If you have extra energy, it will be used to learn cultural knowledge. "
Confucius said: "A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, his blood gas is uncertain, so he should be careful; It is also strong and bloody, and it is fighting; I am also old, my blood gas is declining, and I have to quit. " -"Saving the World"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A gentleman should be alert to three things: the blood gas in adolescence has not yet been cultivated, and he should be alert not to be infatuated with women; In the prime of life, you are full of blood, and you are vigilant and competitive; When you are old, your blood gas has declined, so be alert to greed. "