The goal of this plan is to disintegrate the main ethnic groups in various countries, create hybrids, erase the memory and history of the main ethnic groups, and finally create a new race without borders, race, morality, history and culture. "
this idea coincides with the * * * economic association. It is necessary to hybrid the whole world and atomize the whole society, so that the people at the bottom will never form a joint force and will not pose a threat to the upper level.
The above text is selected from a video platform, which has been copied and pasted countless times. When you search for "Kelleher Project" on major platforms, the above text will always appear. In addition to the description of the Kelleher plan in the above text, I also consulted a large number of introductions and "preventive" measures of the Kelleher plan written by nationalists and racists on the Internet to learn more about their ideas and this confusing conspiracy theory.
In short, they advocate:
First, there are "inferior races" in the world (they usually refer to black people), who are inferior to other races in many aspects, such as IQ.
Second, there is a conspiracy group (mainly Jews) in the world to manipulate the world in secret.
Third, the "conspiracy group" secretly controls the migration flow between countries, making a large number of "inferior races" enter a country.
Fourth, the IQ of the descendants of inferior races who marry the local population will drop, thus lowering the national quality.
Fifth, because mixed-race children have no national identity, the state and society will split in all aspects, which is more convenient for conspiracy groups to control.
Their theory is actually easy to refute. Let's not discuss the authenticity of the Kelleher plan for the time being, but look at its rationality first. It is not difficult to see that the Kelleher theory is based on two basic foundations, without which the Kelleher plan cannot be realized.
First, there are significant differences in intelligence and crime rate among races, which are innate and cannot be reversed through education.
Second, ethnic diversity and mixed-race children are not conducive to stability, because "national identity" disappears.
well, let's falsify the Kelleher plan theory from the first foundation. Since the supporters of Kelleher plan theory often cite black people as examples of inferior races, we also take black people as the analysis object. First of all, let's look at the evidence of the opposing side:
"According to the data of 17 years in the United States, whites account for 3% and blacks account for 33%, which seems to be similar, but the proportion of whites in the total number of adults in American society is more than five times that of blacks (64% for whites and 12% for blacks), which shows that the crime rate does have obvious differences among different races."
The crime rate of blacks seems to be the ratio. I think the historical and social factors are far greater than the so-called genetic factors. In the process of de-industrialization in the United States in the 198s, thousands of manufacturing and other employment opportunities were reduced in urban areas, which created a group of long-term lower-income groups in urban areas, and African-Americans bore the brunt in this process. Urban poverty eventually encourages violence and other forms of crime, including drug consumption and trafficking, which are often found in marginalized poor communities, that is, it is "a specific region" rather than "a specific race" that affects the crime rate. The cycle of discrimination is a problem that can well explain the crime rate: specific historical reasons lead to discrimination (such as the slave trade), which makes the discriminated people marginalized, difficult to find jobs, low or no income, lack of education, etc. These factors lead the discriminated people in society to gather together to keep warm and form a settlement of "specific people" (such as black slums). In this poor settlement, people are usually isolated from the outside world, and violence, theft and drug trafficking are rampant. Therefore, this deepens the social discrimination against the discriminated people, and the discriminated people become more marginalized and commit more crimes ...
The black people in Cuba are a good evidence to refute the discrimination against the black people. The crime rate of the black people in Cuba is not only lower than that of the black people in the United States, but also almost the same as that of other races in the country. This is because the distribution of medical resources and educational resources in Cuba is more even and there are fewer unfair phenomena. Therefore, it is the old society that turns people into "ghosts", not that they are "ghosts" in the first place. Racists are quite naive. They always cover up complicated historical and social problems with an imaginary "racial problem", which is either stupid or bad.
Next, please ask the opposing side to continue to state:
"The intelligence of black people is lower than that of other races, and the average IQ is lower than 8. If we make a ranking, black people <; White people <; The yellow race ... "
We don't know how this data was obtained and what IQ test measured this result, and Kelleher planners have not explained it. The Flynn effect hit them in the face even harder.
Flynn, a scientist, found that the IQ of young people in developed countries has been improving in the past half century, and the IQ between whites and blacks is gradually becoming the same, which is mainly due to the improvement of education level.
another contradiction is: if the difference in IQ is really caused by race, then: first, IQ values will hardly increase or decrease due to the environment. Second, IQ values will be highly heritable. However, the reality is that the IQ of a black man from a middle class background is higher than that of a white man from a slum, and the intelligence of a thirteen-year-old boy is higher than that of his father at the age of thirteen.
Ok, we have successfully refuted the above two questions. Let's take a look at the so-called "half-blood leads to the lack of national identity", which makes the country more easily divided and controlled. Is that really the case? The mixed-race countries in South America account for the majority, so why can they still unite and defeat the colonists? It is too absurd to say that a * * * isomorphism must rely on the so-called "bloodline" to maintain stability. The so-called Kelleher Plan is an out-and-out conspiracy theory of anti-Semitism, racism and even fascism. Its followers are stupid enough to explain the capitalist structure with genes and races, and think that the upper class controls the lower class by "pure blood". This statement is so strange that I can't tell whether the supporters of this theory are left or right. Here I quote Marx's famous saying:
"As soon as people's exploitation of people is eliminated, the exploitation of the nation by the nation will be eliminated." "As soon as the class opposition within the nation disappears, the hostile relationship between nations will disappear."
We all have no doubt that the Kelleher Plan is a tool to transfer contradictions. They try to divide people with the same interests in the world with hatred, because once we unite, it will be their end.