Liu Ziyin is talented and talented. Whether reading and writing or riding and archery, she is superior to Yi Yi everywhere. Yixin looks good and good when she grows up. From the standpoint of selecting talents and appointing people, he is more suitable for Chu Jun than Yi Kuang, which is the fundamental reason why it is difficult for Daoguang Emperor to make a choice on the issue of succession.
So why did Daoguang Emperor finally choose the four sons with mediocre qualifications and give up the talented six sons?
Establish one's position by virtue instead of virtue.
Yiyi's biological mother is the filial piety queen, and the filial piety queen's son is the eldest son. What is the emphasis on the inheritance system of ancient chiefs? Stand firm for a long time, not for virtue? When choosing an heir, it means giving priority to the son born to his wife, and giving priority to the eldest son if there is more than one son. After the death of Emperor Jiaqing, Daoguang succeeded to the throne as the eldest son, and he was also the only emperor in the Qing Dynasty who succeeded as the eldest son. This life experience undoubtedly had a far-reaching impact on Daoguang's choice of successors. He had nine sons in his life, the eldest son Yi Wei died in 183 1, the second son Yi Gang and the third son died early, and the fourth son easily became the actual eldest son.
One-hearted biological mother is Jing Guifei. Although she was later promoted to the imperial concubine and was in charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace, it was not until her death that Xianfeng chased her as the queen of Xiao Jingcheng. In terms of birth status, Yixin is obviously lower than Yixin, so it is logical for Daoguang Emperor, as the eldest son, to choose Yixin, the eldest son, as the crown prince.
Virtue is blameless.
Although Yi Yin's qualifications are mediocre and his appearance and figure are flawed, he is virtuous, respects things, respects others, studies hard, and makes up for his mistakes with diligence. He is the oldest and has become an example for other princes. It is said that the first crown prince of Emperor Daoguang was Yi Xin, but due to the leak of personal eunuchs and the blameless virtue of Yi Yi, Daoguang later changed Yi Yi into a crown prince.
Daoguang was bent on the clever six sons. He felt guilty about him after he became the crown prince, so he wrote in the imperial edict of succession, except? The fourth son of the emperor was appointed as the Crown Prince? In addition, it also specifically States? Emperor Liu's son Yixin was named Prince? In that case. Generally speaking, the emperor's brothers were awarded the title of king after the emperor ascended the throne and succeeded to the throne. On the one hand, it can show one's virtue, on the other hand, it can make the recipient feel grateful to the emperor.
Du Shoutian's careful teaching.
In Daoguang's later years, the battle for the throne intensified. One spring, Daoguang ordered his ministers to follow him to go hunting in Nanyuan. Yi Yi knew that his riding and shooting skills were not as good as Yi Xin's, so he quickly asked his teacher Du Shoutian for advice. Du Shoutian told Yi Kun not to shoot an arrow when he arrived at the paddock. The emperor asked why, and he replied:? It's spring, when birds and beasts are born. I can't bear to hurt them, and I don't want to compete with my brothers in this way. ? Emperor Daoguang was overjoyed when he heard this: This is really the emperor's words! ? This is history? Hiding others, showing great kindness? This story. There is another one? Hiding others shows filial piety? This story tells that on one occasion, Daoguang Emperor was in poor health and called Yi Yi and Yi Xin brothers for questioning. Yi Yi's teacher Du Shoutian warned him that when the emperor asked him, he just bowed his head and cried on the ground. Easy to trust her wisdom to talk with Kan Kan in front of Daoguang. When it was Yi Yi's turn, he listened to the teacher's instructions and cried on the ground, telling the grandmother to take care of himself, so that Daoguang felt that the child was very kind and filial.
To sum up, Emperor Daoguang finally chose to appoint his fourth son, Yi Kuang, as the Crown Prince, the ninth emperor of the Qing Dynasty. At the age of 365,438+0, he died of internal and external troubles of Emperor Xianfeng.