The content and format requirements of mail signature are as follows (format requirements are in brackets):
My cordial greetings,
(font Arial, font size 10 point, bold, color (RGB (64,0, 128)))
Kenny Wang (Rebecca)
(font Arial, small four, bold, oblique,)
BMSL D & amp; F project team (font Arial, 10 point, bold, color
(RGB(64,0, 128)))
Tel: +86(755)888 1XXXX (direct dial)
(same as above)
Fax: +86(755)888 1XXXX
(same as above)
Mobile phone:+86—135xxxxxxxxx
(same as above)
(Same as above, and set it as a hyperlink. Please see below for details. )
MSN: example
(Same as above, and set it as a hyperlink. Please see below for details. )
Address: 5 18033, Huanggang Port, Shenzhen, China, 5th Floor, Sinotrans Building, Hepen Road.
(font Arial, 10 point, bold, color (RGB (64,0, 128)))
My cordial greetings,
Kenny Wang (Rebecca)
BMSL D & amp; F project team
Tel: +86(755)888 1XXXX (direct dial)
Fax: +86(755)888 1XXXX
Mobile phone:+86—135xxxxxxxxx
MSN: example
Address: 5 18033, Huanggang Port, Shenzhen, China, 5th Floor, Sinotrans Building, Hepen Road.