The so-called divorce agreement refers to a written agreement signed by both spouses who are about to dissolve their marriage regarding property division, child custody and visitation, spousal support, child support, etc. A divorce agreement must be in writing, signed by both spouses, and approved by the court or the marriage registration department to be legally binding.
Secondly, there is no fixed standard or model for writing a divorce agreement, but it should contain the following contents:
1. Registration of divorce is an expression of the true intentions of both parties;
2. Where the child lives with, the party who does not live with the child should bear the expenses for raising the child, the method and period of payment;
3.* **The division of the same property (the amount and value of each party is attached with a list);
Four. ***The enjoyment and repayment responsibility of the same claims and debts;
Five. Solution to the housing problem;
6. Methods and duration of financial assistance to the party in difficulty;
7. Visitation rights of the party who does not live with the child*** method and the other party’s obligation to assist;
8. Other matters that need to be specified in the agreement;
9. Signatures (seals or fingerprints) of both parties;
10. Time for making divorce agreement.