2. Empty mark/single mark& ltTag Attribute = \"attribute value\"/>" />
Current location - Quotes Website - Personality signature - Grammar and common tags (html)
Grammar and common tags (html)
1. Regular tag/Double tag

& ltTag Attribute = "attribute value"? Attribute = "attribute value" > < lt/mark >

2. Empty mark/single mark

& ltTag Attribute = "attribute value"/>

Description: written in

Tags and attributes are separated by spaces, attributes and attribute values are connected by equal signs, and attribute values must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

A tag can have no attribute value or multiple attributes, and these attributes are in no particular order.

Empty tags have no separate end tags, so they are replaced by slashes ("/").

1. Text title label

& lth 1 & gt; Primary title

& lth2 & gt Subtitle

& lth6 & gt level 6 title

2. Horizontal line

& ltHR/>; Zero mark

3. Paragraph

& ltp> Paragraph Text Content

4. Forced line break

& ltbr/>; Is an empty tag.

5. Interval

& lt& gt

-The occupied position has no definite value, which is related to the current font size.

Be bold

& ltb> bold content

& ltstrong & gt bold content

7. Tilt mark

& ltem & gt? & lt/em & gt; -Semantic tags

& lt I>& lt/I & gt;; Style label



& ltstrong & gt& ltem & gt logical font format label. Express emphasis. The default effect is to use bold/diagonal font to express semantic emphasis. and

Semantic emphasis function


Expand the grammatical differences between HTML and XHTML

XHTML, which requires tags to be nested correctly.

XHTML, all tags must be closed.

XHTML, case sensitive

XHTML attribute values are enclosed in double quotes.

XHTML, replace the name attribute with the id attribute.

XHTML, where special characters are located

10. List (ul, ol, dl)

There are three kinds of lists in HTML: unordered list, ordered list and customized list.

Unordered list

& ltul & gt- disorder

& lt Li> List item content

…..? … ..

& lt/ul & gt;

Ordered list

& ltol & gt- order list

& lt Li> List item content

& lt Li> List item content

…..? … ..

& lt/ol & gt;

Custom list

& ltdl & gt

& ltdt & gt noun;

& ltdd & gt explanation

& lt/dl & gt;

1 1.


13. Form

Related properties of data table

1) width= "width of table"

2) height= "the height of the table"

3) border= "border of the table"

4) bordercolor= "table border color"

5) bgcolor= "background color of table"

6) cellspacing= "spacing between cells"

7) cellpadding= "the gap between the cell and the content"

8) Horizontal alignment: align= "left/middle/right";

Vertical alignment: valid = "top/middle/bottom ";";

Note: The vertical alignment method is used for TD and TR.

A table with rows and columns.

Colspan= "Number of columns of cells to be merged" horizontal integration;

Rowspan= "number of rows of cells to be merged" for vertical merging;