● メ氺菓ㄘヅ (ㄘ婹嫤/) * べゞ guards the left heartbeat @ |ㄡ゛goblin.
Xia Lu Feng Hanlian, Sir Xia Lu Lian Xia Lu Luo Hualian.
Don't ask me if a leprechaun has a tail, because a leprechaun's tail doesn't exist at all.
You just lost the game. Don't be so depressed. We are the tail of the goblin, a never-ending guild. As long as you are alive, you must run bravely.
Bloody spirits make me drunk. I don't like Millennium wine.
I don't think there is anything wrong with relying on one person. There are many people around you, and people are always closely linked. As long as you reach out, we will be by your side.
Maybe I can't spread my wings like Habib, but I can't control my desire for flexibility. I believe that as long as my soul is immortal, I can fly to the sky. ...
If you give me a wish, I will leave it to my sister.
Angels have compassion, but they can never understand people's happiness.