Sample of proof of employment:
To: Visa Officer
Mr./Ms. ). He/she joined our company since XXX (the date of joining the company). He/she plans to travel to the UK in XXX, XXXX (a certain month and year of travel abroad). All expenses including air tickets, transportation fees, accommodation fees and medical insurance will be borne by her/himself/the company. She/he will return to China on time and continue working in our company.
Name Date of Birth Passport Number Position Monthly Salary
Here we guarantee that he/she will abide by British laws locally. After the trip, he/she will return to China and continue to work in my company. All travel expenses are borne by him/herself.
I hope you can grant the visa
Signature of the leader
Position of the leader
Seal of the unit
Unit Telephone: XXXXXXXX
Unit address: XXXXXXXX
Unit name: XXXXXXXX
English version:
Date: X X X
To: XXX Embassy
Attn: Visa Section
Dear Visa Officer:
Mr./ is an xxxx (position) of xxxxxxx (unit name). He/She has works in our units since xxxx (date of entering the unit). He/She intends to travel to BRITAIN in xxx (month) of xxxx (year) (going abroad Time).
Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Salary
Hereby we guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws of Britain. He/She is going to visit and will come back to China on schedule and still working in our units. All the cost of the travel will borne by himself / herself.
Please kindly release visa to him/her.
Best Regards,
Leader’s signature
Leader’s position
Unit seal
Tel: xxx-xxxxxxxx (unit phone number)
Add: xxxxxxxxxxx (unit address)
Units Name: xxxxxxxxxxx (unit name)
Have other questions You can QQ me: 340096753