Bruce Brown's return to the starting lineup is also Nash's active change. Judging from the performance in the first quarter, the effect is still very good. As we all know, Brown is average in height, but his impact on the basket, empty cutting and running position are all his advantages. When he is present, james harden's passing power can be shown. Only half a quarter after the opening, Brown played several times in a row, even forcing his opponent to call a time-out and shout for celebration.
In addition, Brown has another characteristic, that is, he is full of energy on the court, and he made a shot in the first quarter, which is enough to explain the problem. In a save, Brown tripped on the sidelines, and he wouldn't give up every chance. Seeing Brown fall to the ground, teammates james johnson and Patty Mills rushed to help him. At this time, an unexpected scene happened. James johnson really slipped and gave Brown a fright. It's interesting to see the close-ups of their expressions.
James johnson's expression, a little embarrassed. And Bruce Brown was surprised, as if to say, take it easy, brother. It doesn't matter if you fall. Don't hurt me by mistake. Hehe, this story of helping others fall is not uncommon in the NBA, but it is not very common, which brings a little relaxation to the tense game.