Right-click the taskbar -> Attribute -> [Start] menu -> Classic [Start] menu -> OK
2. Restore the quick launch bar:
Right-click the taskbar -> Toolbar -> Quick launch bar
3. Cancel the "Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 6 days":
Right-click the desktop -> Attribute -> Desktop -> Customize the desktop -> Cancel "Run the Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 6 days" -> OK
4. Cancel "Remote Assistance":
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Remote -> Cancel "Allow this computer to send remote assistance invitations" -> Ok
5. Turn off automatic update:
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Update -> Turn off automatic update -> Ok
6. Shut down the system and restore:
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> System restore -> Select "Turn off System Restore on all drives" -> Ok -> Yes
7. Close the "Error Report":
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Advanced -> Error report -> Select "disable error reporting" -> At the same time, cancel "but notify me when a serious error occurs" -> OK
VIII. Set up "startup and fault recovery":
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Advanced -> "Settings" under startup and fault recovery -> Cancel all options -> Change the value below the debugging information to "None" -> Ok
9. Set up "visual effects":
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Advanced -> "Settings" under performance -> Visual effects -> Select "Adjust for Best Performance" -> Add 3 items 1. Use visual styles on windows and buttons
2. Use common tasks in folders
3. Use shadows for icon labels on the desktop
-> OK
1. Set up virtual memory:
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Advanced -> "Settings" under performance -> Advanced -> Virtual memory->; Change ->
initial size: 1.5 times of memory
maximum size: 2-3 times of memory
-> Settings -> Ok. device manager:
right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Hardware->; Device manager->; Check the hardware information (including whether the hardware driver is installed)
Note: drivers can be installed with the help of the "driver wizard" software
XII. Windows Update driver update:
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Hardware->; Windows Update-> Select "Never search for drivers in Windows Update"
XIII. Driver signature:
Right-click my computer -> Attribute -> Hardware->; Driver signature -> Home environment: select "Warning"
Company environment: select "Block" 2. System configuration utility 1. How to enter the system configuration utility:
Start -> Run -> msconfig-> Ok
2. Startup tab:
Select only the following startup items:
1. ctfmon input method
2. kav Kaspersky
3. 36safe 36 security guards
4. rav rising antivirus
5. rfwmain rising firewall
3. system process optimization (service setting) 1. how to start service setting:
start -> Run -> services.msc-> Ok
2. Application Layer Gateway Service stops manually
3. Automatic Updates. Manually stop
iv. background intelligent transfer service manually stop
v. Contrl Center of Storm Media. Stop has been disabled
VI. Help and Support Manual Stop
VII. Error Reporting Service. Manually stop
VIII. Messenger has disabled stopping
IX. Remote Registry. Stop has been disabled
X. Security Center has disabled stop
XI. Shell Hardware Detecti. On disabled stop
XII. SSDP Discovery Service manual stop
XIII. System Restore. Service stops manually
XIV. Task Scheduler stops manually
XV. Windo. Ws firewall/internet connection sharing (ics) stops manually
XVI. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA). Manually stop
XVII. Windows Time manually stop
XVII. Wireless Zero Configur. Ation wireless network desktop stops manually
notebook starts automatically
IV. Registry optimization
I. Registry mode deletes default * * * enjoyment: turn off C$/D$/E$… operation -> Regedit (registry editor)-HKEY _ local
_ machine \ system \ currentcontrolset \
services \ lanmanserver \ parameters
New on the right -> DWORD value: the key value named AutoShareWks is changed to:
. 2. The registry mode prohibits IPC$ null connection:
Open the registry editor -> HKEY _ local _ machine
\ system \ current control set \ control \ LSA,
In the window on the right, change the key value of RestrictAnonymous (DWORD) to 1. (Default is ) 3. Change the value of TTL (datagram lifetime) to: 255
Open the registry editor->; HKEY _ local _ machine
\ system \ currentcontrolset \ services
\ tcpip \ parameters New on the right -> DWORD value ->
DefaultTTL-> Double-click Open to change to ff (255 in decimal). 4. Delete the redundant files in the right-click menu:
Open the Registry Editor -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Delete "shellnew" under the extension of redundant files in the right-click menu
Remarks: "Briefcase" extension *.bfc V. Delete "Send to menu redundant option":
Run -> sendto-> Just delete the extra ones. 6. The system automatically closes the program that stops responding:
Open the registry editor -> HKEY _ current _ user \
controlpanel \ desktop, set the value of AutoEndTask in the right window to 1. VII. Cancel the arrow on the shortcut icon:
Open the Registry Editor -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
\Lnkfile subkey branch. In this subkey branch, you can find the key name IsShortcut, whose type is reg _ SZ. If you delete this value, you can remove the arrow on the shortcut icon. 8. Set the hard disk working mode:
Right click "My Computer" -> Attribute -> Hardware->; Device manager->; IDE ATA/ATAPI controller->; Changing the device type of the secondary IDE channel to "None" will reduce the scroll bar to 1-3 turns during system startup. 9. Clear the records of recently opened documents when exiting:
Run -> gpedit.msc-> User configuration -> Manage templates -> Taskbar and [Start] menu -> On the right, "Clear records of recently opened documents when exiting" -> Enabled X. Blocking access to registry editing tools:
Run -> gpedit.msc-> -> User configuration -> Manage templates -> System -> "block access to registry editing tools" on the right
-> Enabled