1. Use the cd command to switch the working directory to the location where the signature is placed.
2. Input: keytool-list-keystordebug.keystore.
3. Enter the password of the keystore: if it is not set, it is blank here, so you can enter it directly.
The second method seems to see the low-profile version of Androidstudio in the settings, but it seems that it can't be seen now. You can also write code to get it and paste it.
Publicstatic string sHA 1 (context context) (
Try {
package info info = context . getpackagemanager()。 getPackageInfo(
context.getPackageName(),PackageManager。 Get _ signature);
byte[] cert = info.signatures[0]。 toByteArray();
message digest MD = message digest . getinstance(" sha 1 ");
Byte[] publicKey = md.digest (certificate);
string buffer hex string = new string buffer();
for(int I = 0; My < public key. Length; i++) {
string append string = integer . tohexstring(0x ff & amp; Public key [i])
. ToUpperCase (regional settings. United States);
if(appendstring . length()= = 1)
hex string . append(" 0 ");
hex string . append(append string);
hex string . append(":");
string result = hex string . tostring();
Returns result.substring(0, result.length ()-1);
} catch(NameNotFoundException e){
e . printstacktrace();
} catch(nosuch algorithm exception e){
e . printstacktrace();
Returns null
This was posted by someone else. I'm too lazy to find the previous code