Generally speaking, the card number of a credit card is basically 16 digits. Occasionally there will be a 15-digit card number, and there will be the pinyin of the cardholder's name on the card. In the case of a debit card, The card number is usually 19 digits, and there is no pinyin for the name, because debit cards are made first and then issued to the cardholder. For credit cards, you apply first and then make the card, so the pinyin of the name can be made. .
Debit cards (magnetic stripe cards) generally do not have an expiration date, while chip cards display two dates; credit cards will display an expiration date under the card number in the format of XX/XX (month/year). Debit cards generally have 19 digits; credit cards have 16 digits; credit cards usually have 7 digits on the right side of the signature line on the back of the card; debit cards do not.
1. Credit cards and debit cards have different card numbers. A credit card has 4 digits in 4 groups with a total of 16 digits, while a debit card has 3 to 5 groups of 13 to 19 digits. The number of digits is different.
2. The fonts on the card surface are different in concave and convex. Credit cards are all embossed on the card surface, while some debit cards are embossed and some are debossed, which can be convex or concave.
3. There is a 7-digit number printed on the back of the credit card, but not on the debit card.
4. The validity period is different. Credit cards have an embossed validity period, while debit cards are optional, and some only have the card issuance date.
5. The pinyin of the name is different. Credit cards have the pinyin and gender of the cardholder's name embossed, while some debit cards have it, and some don't, which is also optional.
Debit card - commonly known as savings card. Its main function is savings deposits. Cardholders can realize card consumption, ATM cash withdrawals, transfers, and various types of payments through the electronic payment network established by the bank and the magnetic stripe reading and manual password entry of the card.
Expenses made through the card are equal to the reduction in the balance in the savings account. The account balance is zero and the card's payment function is reduced to zero. Applying for a debit card is very simple. You can apply for a debit card by opening a savings account. There is no need for bank approval, and it can usually be applied and withdrawn immediately.
Credit card – commonly known as a credit card. Its main function is to provide small overdraft loans. Its application must meet certain conditions. The size of the overdraft balance is determined by the bank based on the applicant's personal credit status. "Capital" mainly refers to the assets and stable income status of the applicant, which determines the cardholder's repayment ability; "credit" mainly refers to the credit status of the cardholder, and changes in the credit status of the cardholder also Determines the changes in the credit overdraft loan limit granted by the bank. Credit cards are mainly used for consumption and cash withdrawals.