1. 1 humble beginning: Apache project
1.2 Apache software foundation
1.3 Male cat
1.3. 1 Distribute the license of Tomcat:Apache.
1.3.2 Comparison with other licenses
1.4 blueprint: JavaEE
1.4. 1 JavaAPI
1.4.2 JavaEEAPI
1.4.3 JavaEE application service
1.4.4 Keep up with standardization and compete in practice.
1.4.5 Tomcat and application server
1.5 Tomcat and Web server
1.6 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 2 Application of Web: Servlet, JSP and others.
2. A Brief History of1Web Application
2. 1. 1 CGI script: the first dynamic text mechanism
2. 1.2 Java server: Servlet
2. 1.3 JavaServerPage
2. 1.4 JSP tag library
2. 1.5 JSPEL
2. 1.6 MVC architecture
2. 1.7 using appropriate network technology
2.2 the creation and classification of web applications
2.3 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 3 Tomcat installation
3. 1 Install Java Virtual Machine
3. 1. 1 Install JVM on Windows.
3. 1.2 installing JVM on Linux
3.2 installing Tomcat
3.2. 1 Select the installation category.
3.2.2 Check the downloaded files.
3.2.3 installing Tomcat on windows
3.2.4 Use ZIP file to install Tomcat under Windows.
3.2.5 installing Tomcat under Linux
3.3 using source code to build Tomcat
3.3. 1 Tomcat needs to be built through source code.
3.3.2 Download the source code version
Subversion repository
3.3.4 Build the source code version.
3.4 Tomcat installation directory
3.5 install APR
3.6 Troubleshooting and Detailed Description
3.6. Wrong version of1class.
3.6.2 Port number used
Run multiple instances
Proxy blocking channel
3.7 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 4 Tomcat architecture
4. Overview of1Tomcat directory
4. 1. 1 bin directory
4. 1.2 conference directory
4. 1.3 lib directory
4. 1.4 log directory
4. 1.5 temporary directory
4. 1.6 webapps directory
4. 1.7 working directory
4.2 Tomcat architecture overview
4.2. 1 server
4.2.3 The remaining classes in Tomcat architecture
4.3 java java connector architecture
4.3. 1 communication path
Connector protocol
Select connector
4.4 Life cycle
4.4. 1 Lifecycle Interface
4.4.2 Lifecycle Connector Interface
4.5 Configure according to the architecture
4.6 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 5 Basic Configuration of Tomcat
5. Key points of1tomcat6 configuration
5.2 files in $ catalina _ home/conf
5.3 Basic configuration of the server
Configure the server through the default file server.xml
5.3.2 Tomcat operation under application server configuration
5.3.3 Context Definition of Web Application Software
Default context.xml file
5.3.5 authentication and tomcat-users.xml file
Default deployment descriptor-web.xml.
5.3.7 How do servlet.xml, context descriptor and web.xml work together?
5.3.8 Strict access control
5.3.9 Catalina.properties: Strict access control based on access query.
5.3. 10 boot configuration
5.3. 1 1 Configuration and management differences
5.4 Tomcat6 Web-based GUI Configurator
5.5 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 6 Advanced Tomcat Features
6. 1 valve cutting Tomcat type
6.2 Standard valve
6.3 Access Log Implementation
6.4 Log file range
6.5 Single Sign-on Implementation
6.5. 1 Multi-login is realized without using single sign-on valve.
6.5.2 Configure single sign-on valve.
6.6 forming the authenticator valve
6.7 Restrict access through request filters
Remote address filter
Remote host filter
6.7.3 Configure the request filter valve
Request recorder valve
6.8 continuous session
6.8. 1 Necessity of continuous conversation
Configure PersistentSessionManager
6.9 JNDI resource configuration
What is JNDI?
6.9.2 Tomcat and JNDI
6.9.3 Typical TomcatJNDI resources
6.9.4 Configure resources through JNDI
6.9.5 configuring JDBC data sources
6.9.6 Configure the mail session
6. 10 Configure the life cycle extender
6. 10. 1 life cycle events sent by Tomcat component
6. 10.2 element
6. 10.3 Tomcat 6 life cycle listener configuration
6. 1 1 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 7 Web Application Configuration
7. 1 Understanding Web Application Content
7. 1. 1 public * * * resources
7. 1.2 Web-INF directory
7. 1.3 yuan INF directory
7.2 Understanding deployment descriptors
7.2. 1 Servlet2.3 type deployment descriptor
7.2.2 Servlet2.4/2.5 type deployment descriptor
7.3 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 8 Web Application Management
8. 1 Web application example
8.2 Tomcat administrator program
8.2. 1 Allow access to the administrator program.
8.2.2 Configuration Administrator Program
8.3 Tomcat Manager: Network Interface
8.3. 1 shows the status of the Tomcat server.
Managing Web applications
Deploying Web applications
8.4 Tomcat Manager: Manage applications with Ant
8.5 Tomcat Manager: Using HTTP Requests
8.5. 1 lists the deployed applications.
Deploy new applications
8.5.3 Installing/Deploying Applications in Tomcat6
8.5.4 Remote deployment of new applications
8.5.5 Deploy the new application from the local path.
8.5.6 Existing application is overloaded.
8.5.7 List available JNDI resources.
8.5.8 List the operating system and JVM properties.
8.5.9 Stop the existing application.
8.5. 10 Start the stopped application.
8.5. 1 1 Undeploy the Web application.
Show session statistics
8.5. 13 using JMX proxy Servlet to query Tomcat kernel
8.5. 14 Setting Tomcat Kernel with JMX Proxy Servlet
8.6 Possible errors
8.7 Safety considerations
8.8 Tomcat deployer
8.9 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 9 Class Loader
9. 1 Class Loader Overview
9. 1. 1 standard JavaSE class loader
9. 1.2 More behaviors about the class loader
9. 1.3 Create a custom class loader
9. 1.4 Why does Tomcat need a customized class loader?
9.2 Security and Class Loader
9.2. 1 class loader delegation
Core category restrictions
9.2.3 Independent Class Loader Namespace
Safety manager
9.3 Tomcat and class loader
9.3. 1 system class loader
9.3.2 Coverage mechanism of recognized standards
9.3.3 General Class Loader
9.3.4 Web application class loader
9.4 Dynamic Class Overloading
9.5 General Class Loader Defects
9.5. 1 Split the package in different class loaders.
9.5.2 Single
XML parser
9.6 Overview of this chapter
Chapter 10 HTTP connector
10. 1 HTTP connector
10. 1.2 advanced NIO connector
10. 1.3 comet asynchronous IO support
10. 1.4 local APR connector
10.2 configure Tomcat to support CGI.
10.3 Configure Tomcat to support SSI.
10.3. 1 Configure Tomcat6SSIServlet
10.3.2 is equipped with Tomcat6SSI filter.
10.4 running Tomcat behind proxy server.
10.5 performance adjustment
10.5. 1 adjustable configuration attribute
10.5.2 adjustment skills of TCP/IP protocol stack
10.6 front-end Tomcat6 and Web server
10.7 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 1 1 Tomcat and ApacheHTTP server
1 1. 1 AJP java connector architecture.
11.1.1Apache local code module
11.1.2 Apache jserv protocol
1 1. 1.3 AJP connector
1 1.2 ApacheWeb server front-end or stand-alone Tomcat
1 1.3 Understanding TomcatWorker
1 1.3. 1
1 1.3.2 Use the workers.properties file to configure the Apache server to work with multiple TomcatWorker.
1 1.4 connect Tomcat and Apache.
11.4.1tomcat6 configuration
1 1.4.2 ApacheWeb server configuration
1 1.4.3 uses the mod_jk module.
1 1.4.4 uses the mod_proxy module.
1 1.5 configure SSL for ApacheWeb server.
1 1.5. 1 configure mod_ssl for Apache.
1 1.5.2 Test the Apache settings with SSL enabled.
1 1.5.3 Enable Apache-Tomcat settings for SSL.
1 1.6 Tomcat load balancing and Apache
1 1.6. 1 change CATALINA_HOME in Tomcat startup file.
1 1.6.2 Set different AJP interfaces.
1 1.6.3 Set different server ports.
1 1.6.4 disables the default HTTP/ 1. 1 connector.
1 1.6.5 Set jvmRoute in the independent engine.
1 1.6.6 Pay attention to the catalog engine.
1 1.6.7 patient search test c3p0
13.5.7 Deploying third-party connection pooling
13.6 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 14 male cat safety
14. 1 Check the integrity of the downloaded Tomcat.
14. 1. 1 Check the MD5 summary.
14. 1.2 Check the downloaded file with PGP signature.
14.2 to ensure the safe installation of Tomcat server.
14.2. 1 Delete the default application.
14.2.2 ROOT and tomcat-docs
14.2.3 system application manager and host manager
14.2.4 Restrict system application access security
14.2.5 Example of deleting JSP and Servlet
14.3 Run Tomcat with a special account.
14.3. 1 Create an unprivileged Tomcat user.
14.3.2 running Tomcat with Tomcat users.
14.4 ensure file system security
14.4. 1 Windows file system
14.4.2 Linux file system
14.5 to ensure the security of Java virtual machines.
14.5. 1 Overview of Safety Manager
Using Tomcat's security manager
14.5.3 recommended safety manager exercises
14.6 to ensure the security of Web applications
14.6. 1 Authentication and Domain
14.6.2 domain security
14.7 SSL encryption
14.7.2 using SSL to protect resources
14.8 ensures the security of DefaultServlet.
14.8. 1 disable directory list.
14.8.2 disable InvokerServlet, SSI and CGIGateway.
14.9 host limit
14. 10 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 15 Male Cat Host Competition * * *
15. 1 virtual host concept
Virtual hosts in 15.2 Apache
15.2. 1 instance deployment scheme
15.2.2 IP-based virtual host in Apache
Name-based virtual hosts in 15. 2. 3 Apache
Virtual hosts in 15.3 Tomcat
15.3. 1 instance deployment scheme
15.3.2 Tomcat as an independent server.
15.3.3 using Tomcat of Apache
15.3.4 configuring Apache
15.4 TomcatHost-Manager application
15.5 Virtual Host Problems: Stability, Security and Performance
15.6 adjusting virtual host settings in Tomcat
15.6. 1 Create a separate JVM for each virtual host.
15.6.2 Set memory resource limit on TomcatJVM.
15.6.3 use JavaSecurityManager restrictions
15.7 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 16 Using JMX to Monitor and Manage Tomcat
16. 1 management requirements
16.2 About JMX
1 JMX architecture
16.2.2 tool layer
16.2.3 proxy layer
16.2.4 distributed service layer
16.3 JMX remote API
Introduction to16.4mean
16.4. 1 standard MBean
16.4.2 dynamic MBean
16.4.3 model MBean
16.4.4 Open MBean
Manageable elements of 16.5 JMX in Tomcat6
1 manageable Tomcat6 architecture components
16.5.2 Manageable embedded components
16.5.3 Manageable Runtime Data Objects
16.5.4 Manageable resource objects
16.6 access JMXSupport of Tomcat6 through ManagerProxy.
16.6. 1 use JMXProxy.
16.6.2 Modify MBean properties
16.6.3 monitoring Tomcat with jconsoleGUI
16.6.4 configure Tomcat for remote monitoring.
16.7 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 17 Cluster
17. 1 Advantages of the cluster
17. 1. 1 scalability and clustering
17. 1.2 the necessity of high reliability
17.2 cluster foundation
1 active/standby topology mode
17.2.2 failover behavior mode
17.3 Tomcat6 cluster model
1 load balancing
65438th meeting * * *
17.4 using Tomcat6 cluster
Session management in 17.4. 1 Tomcat6
Cookie and the role of modern browsers
17.4.3 configure Tomcat6 cluster.
17.4.4 universal front end: load balancing is realized through Apachemod_jk.
17.4.5 Prepare to use a different backend session * * *
17.4.6 backend 1: memory copy configuration
17.4.7 backend 2: Use * * * permanent session manager for file storage.
17.4.8 backend 3: persistent session manager for 3:JDBC storage
17.4.9 Testing Tomcat Cluster with JDBC Permanent Session Manager Backend
Complexity of 17.5 cluster
1 clustering and performance
17.5.2 clustering and response time
17.5.3 using clustering to solve performance problems
17.6 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 18 Embedded Tomcat
The Importance of Embedded Tomcat in Modern System Design
18. 1. 1 is a typical embedded application.
18. 1.2 is developed with embedded Tomcat.
18.2 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 19 Log
19. 1 transformation from Tomcat5
19.2 log4j
19.2. 1 log4j architecture
19.2.2 log4j installation and configuration
19.2.3 log4j getting started guide
19.2.4 log4j advanced usage
19.2.5 log4j performance suggestion
19.3 Julie
19.3. 1 Java log architecture
Julie's getting started guide
19.4 log file analysis
19.5 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 20 Performance Testing
20. 1 performance concept
20. 1. 1 What is the evaluation?
20. 1.2 scalability and performance
20. 1.3 Performance of understanding the user's perspective
20. 1.4 evaluating performance
20.2 Jimmy
Install and run JMeter.
20.2.2 Use JMeter to design and understand the test plan.
JMeter characteristic
Distributed load test
Explain the test results
20.3 tools to replace JMeter
20.4 Matters after Performance Test
Summary of this chapter
Chapter 2 1 Performance Tuning
2 1. 1
2 1. 1. 1 Step 1: Establish a test bench.
2 1. 1.2 step 2: performance test and baseline determination
2 1. 1.3 Step 3: Diagnose the performance bottleneck.
2 1.2 Diagnosing Tomcat's performance problems
2 1.3 Tomcat performance tuning skills
2 1.3. 1 JVM parameter adjustment
2 1.3.2 precompiled JSP
2 1.3.3 Tomcat configuration adjustment
2 1.3.4 Use the static content of the Web server when appropriate.
2 1.4 Summary of this chapter
Appendix A Tomcat and integrated development environment
A. 1 solar eclipse
Debugging remote Web applications in Eclipse
A. 1.2 deploying and debugging local Web applications using SysdeoTomcat plug-ins.
Deploying and debugging Web applications using Web tools platform
A. 1.4 using ApacheAnt and Eclipse to manage Web application deployment
A.2 NetBeans
A.2. 1 Debugging Remote Web Applications in NetBeans
A.2.2 debugging Web applications in NetBeans
A.3 summary
Appendix B ApacheAnt
B. 1 install Ant
B.2 introduction to ants
B.3 ant tips
B.3. 1 Creating Web Applications with Ant
B.3.2 compiling JSP
B.3.3 Reusable Ant Scripts Using Property Files and Command Line Parameters
B.3.4 creating a log
B.3.5 creating notifications by email
B.3.6 Ant and source code control system
B.3.7 automatic testing
B.4 continuous integration
B.5 Ant task reference
B.6 summary